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WACO [[underline]] 13 [[/underline]]

In April 1917, the bells tolled their call to all males between certain ages to register for WAR. [[underline]]THE UNITED STATES was at a STATE OF WAR AGAINST GERMANY[[/underline]].

Charlie and George walked across the school yard to register. Now Charlie would have a chance to learn to fly..George already an aviator. With lads like these, the Yankees would lick the pants off the Germans and bring home the Kaiser's scalp, Indian fashion. The shout,"Me undt Gott" would end by "Gott." Papa wishing he could also register, said we must not be married in August as planned, not until we saw what George had to do for his country. He would have "no broken hearted widowed daughter left with a child; it was bad enough to marry an aviator, fine fellow that he is, but if the aeroplanes didn't get him, the War would."

   The building of aircraft speeded up. George and Charlie went to work at Aeromarine, Clarence De Diers made a record altitude flight of 30,000 Ft. Gordon Hood and "Slim"Chas. Arens, Chgo friends of George worked at L.W. F. George went to Long Island to work at the U.S. Naval Reserve Flying School where "Trooby" Davison was flying and stood his ship on its nose in the Bay, injuring himself for life..but not Aviation in Govt.

   One day the abdominal pain that had bothered George once at our house, was so severe he dragged himself to the Mineola Hospital, a brown shingled DutchColonial style. Had to walk a mile farther for a physician's certificate, dragged back to the hospital