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collapsed in agony, and was operated on for appendicitis. A few days later, his condition was so bad, they opened him up and put a drain in. I was pretty proud when the doctors told my parents that only as fine and clean a boy as George could have lived through that. I was allowed to go to Long Island and see George if one of the boys we knew would take me, so/ E. P. Lott, came all the way from Aeromaine at Keyport, N.J. to Glen Ridge, N.J., took me to Long Island, then returned me home, safely. (Later E.P. Lott - Official United Airways.)

Sooner than the family thought advisable George took leave of the hospital, visited us, then left for Chicago. He helped Katherine Stinson, (now Mrs. Mike Otero,) do her "bit." Katie was flying between Chicago and New York, dropping "Knit, knit, knit" posters from her plane, on a Red Cross campaign. In October, George reported for duty to be a Civilian Flying Instructor, at Dayton, Ohio, then left with the Signal Corps for Waco, Texas. Rich Field, a one unit field was opened there. George was soon given a raise, and wrote would I be able to go to his home in Chicago, where he would meet me and we would be married. Pop said, I would "not be able." He meant that final, and if I should try any eloping, he would lock me in my room, for war time was no time to marry. I had George write explanations, which did no good, and then not on purpose I began to grow peaked, lost my appetite and some of my underweight 107 pounds. When I refused mashed potatoes one evening, Pop finally wrote Dad Weaver, who came east. He promised Papa that we would be married as soon as George arrived, that he would like the same minister that had married him and "Mom" to marry us. George sent money for a trunk, a birthday ring, and plans were made for my departure! Engagement showers added to my linen supply, the cold winter, made cooler by the small allowance of coal, food tasteless by lack of sugar, Charlie, writing that they (R.F.C.) had nearly starved when snowbound near Ottawa, the excitement of it all seemed an eternity to me. The morning I left Pop cried,