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Waco 22

We decided while sipping limeades, that killing the Kaiser was too good for him. One summer in Texas heat, would be fitting punishment.

"Me undt Gott".......... to-day... 1939 Hitler.... "ME"

We promoted a swimming pool and found that soaking was a slight approach to comfort, until the water became so dirty that that was out and so were we. We, the modern young mothers, lived as naturally as possible, despite the warnings of older women and their, not our, embarrassment.

One evening, Mrs. Poyzer and I, now able to retain our food, but the smell of it cooking still getting to us, went down town to dinner with our C.F.I. husbands, who wore their civies. A flock of O.T.C'S sat at the table next to us. One O.T.C. remarked as George laid his napkin across his knee,

"Hey Buddie, why don't you join the Army? You'd forget how to use a napkin."  The other fellows joined in the mockery. Mrs. Poyzer and I just burned up. If birth marks were caused by incidents, our unborn were going to be flames! I started to shiver all over, recalling how they all had to scatter when they paraded near the C.F.I's special field; thought of the danger my husband always was in; of how he had to knock a cadet our with a pyrene gun, that very day for freezing on. George just let them have their fun, then took out his identification, and passed it around their table. The O.T.C's jumped up as one man, and saluted him, with a sincere apology, asking why theh---they didn't have a rating and uniform so a guy could tell 'em. It soon became known though, that most young men in civies were C.F.I's. I never forgot the insinuations and I don't think the present non-veteran rating is justice to their children nor their widows, who have no war insurance, no bonus, no rating for Civil Service preferece, which benefits, have all accured to the families of those who evaded all drafts, up until the last one, which just qualified them, and they men who gave no service.