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The Renault has a broken water line. (I have always tried to enter rooms before George and make sure gas jets were turned tightly off since his accident which we never mention. He said he had trained his eyes for things like that too.) Six cylinders are melted all over each other.

We will have to take the train into New Jersey. George insists he will return and repair the ship, then fly it out. "C.D." want him to crate it and ship it back to Chicago. 

Buddie said, "Gee, Daddy, it was a good day, lots happened." 

The farmers let us change our clothes and gave us lunch. I didn't know there were people in the world in 1923, so unenlighted as to living the way we do. I don't think I am quite forgiven the "pants." 

We are on the train. George is quiet, He wants to be left alone. "C.D." wont eat anything, though I have taken a glass of milk into him from the diner. He said I was very kind.... but his stomach was upset. I feel kind of weepy, he and George are so sad. "C.D." keeps watching George. He loves him.... and so dear God, do I.
Chicago, ILL
Two weeks later. 

Dear Diary:  Here we are back home.... without George. We made our N.J. visit. "C.D." put us up in the Traymore Hotel. We had a wonderful time. We saw all my old chums in Glen Ridge, and my friends were as charmed with George as I am..... I am so proud of him.We visited a student
of George's on Valley Road, in Mountclair. Every body that ever knew George loves him. I can't be modest.... about my love and that of others for him.

George is still in the mountains trying to fix the ship so he can fly it in. "C.D". says he must not, the field is too small, but if anyone can do it, "Buck can." It seems a point of honor with George to feel that he must fly that ship back.


Transcription Notes:
two spaces for indent