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Dear Diary:

The longer George and I are married the more lover-like the letters.  This one takes the prize.  It was all printed, rather than written.  The salutation is made of hearts, spelling:

My Babe Weaver:

Hows at, them's hearts and they mean love.  This is Sunday night and I've been in the hotel all day long with hot water applications and flax seed poultices on an inflamed eye.  Swollen almost closed with a little blind boil in the corner.

The doctor has a corn (picture here) plaster filled full of antiphlogistine on it to draw it to ahead.  By to-morrow night the boil should be gone and the swelling with it and I shall be ready to be gone and the swelling with it and I shall be ready to be gone the following day, Oh sweetie, it will be grand now when the d---- Renault starts out in the nice steady brrrr, chopping them off twelve cylinders one after another, hour after hour, mile after mile, until I see the smoke of Chi, then Calument, then the lagoon in Marquette Park, with the little house with my daffodil out in front waving and the little dand-lion there too, then a long glide out to the field them--me for the phone, before I put the ship away, before I wipe any grease off,therefore I shut off the gas, I'll call up lets see, information please  and ask "What day is it?"...yes, I will not!

It sure has been one disappointment after another and so hard to stand because my thoughts --though doing me good--- have been with you all the time.  It would have been easy to just shirk it all--and so cowardly the idea---makes me disgusted with myself that I wonder what I'm coming to. 

I don't feel blue or downhearted, or like shirking at all to-night, truly, I feel like just plowing in at the hardest place first and making everybody glad that they love me, and I'll have so much help from my partner too, who is the best little running mate I know.

It's Sunday night as I said before and parts ordered Tuesday should have been here Thursday, will (Iknow) be here tomorrow, my eye will be better.

What I started to say-- if I were home, I'd be telling you all about my trip to Penna-- my experiences, impressions etc., my partner, my landlord, (lady,) their home, their children and religion, the meals, the bath and laundry.  Sweetie my girl, nearing the end of thepage,late, and envelope to address, so good night, bless your heart, God bless you and pleasant dreams
