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The Atlas Educational film company hired George to act as the pilot in a six reel educational film. Barney Sherry, who had just returned from Italy where played the part of the father in "ROMALA", and Mahlon Hamilton were to have the leading roles. It was fine chance for Atlas Film Co. to make the First Flying Picture in a truly educational way. Imagine George's disgust and embarrassment when he had to do all the flying on the ground. he brought a glossie home which showed this. Buck Weaver pretending to fly. It curled his soul. A lost opportunity to sell peace time aviation come-to-stay as a business. It was all too obvious that Barney Sherry and Mahlon Hamiltion peering over the from cockpit of the Laird Swallow. with weeds blowing whick Buck ffeld he had "sold his calling "for neede cash."
Instead of improvising in health, [Great Lakes climate] he ran a fever, from bad tonsils, an operation seemed inevitable. Had him in bed for three weeks. Thenone day, the picture finished George came home early. he had been going to the doctor for his back which ached constantly. He had not been well forover a year, but I thought it was worrying over making a living in and with aviation. he had flown a passenger to Mercersberg Military School,wearing new boots, wearing them in spite of my protests overs boil on his heel. An interne at Mercersbery ahd lanced the boil too deep, our doctor lanced it again and cores of poison rolled out. All night I kepts his leg wrapped from hip down in bot borie solution until the red streaks disappeared.  The next morning the doctor aspirated the lung. pneumonia set in. We got a trained nurse.