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[[Underline]]WACO 71
George came thru the crisis, but his abdomen was rigid, which meant peritonitis. A week before that George had found that his bowels could not move even with  en enema. I told the doctor the history  of the appendectomy including the re-opening to insert a drain,  his too soon war duty teaching aerobatics hanging on the safety belt. Told him about the WACO-Cootie crash. The doctor said that in  that crash one rib had been cracked, but he had injuries were so severe, no one including George sensed any other injuries.
George now so ill we took him to the Hospital/ at Hinsdale two train stops from our La Grange, Ill home. Our cash fast disappearing, so Mom and Dad Weaver paid the bills. for the hospital care.
Meanwhile building WACOS still a financial problem, Sam and Clay decided to get away from the severe Great Lakes climate to milder Troy, Ohio. Assembling out of doors ..if and when ... longer season. 
Sam came to the Hinsdale hospital every few days to see George, more often as George became critically ill.  He kept assuring him that they hoped with his demands for flying prominent people and/or as test pilot and his Clayts hope to get financing we would all be together again. 
One non after an urgent hospital call I found Sam with a very ill George.  Sam insisted he take me to a quick lunch place. The short cut along the railroad bank for shortest time from George. Suddenly I raised my arms over my head and cried, "No, no." Sam ahead of me, turned grabbed my arms, tears glimmering, "What did you say 'no' to?" "That I couldn't marry you because George would have to die." Still holding my wrists looking amazed said, "How did you know I was thinking just that?"

Millers Falls