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All of George's friends made up a purse of $200.00 and was given to me by Sam after the funeral ceremony.
My brother Chatlie was married and living in Winston-balem, N. C. he had a little daughter and wife a former school teacher in Greenwood, S.G. They asked us to come down with them, it would help Buddie's health in milder climate. Soon after we arrived a telegram and letter from Sam arrived. I realized Sam had initated the purse help. The letter as great as the man who wrote it.
Dear Hattie:
Have continually put off writing you because I couldn't think of what to say or rather how to say it. I guess there are times when words spoken or written just don't mean anything.
When last I saw you, I wanted to say something or do something to me things easier for you, but never felt more helpless in my life.
I have always had reat admiration for your spirit shown during the starvation days in Lorain and Medina, but want to say that the courage you displayed when I last saw yo transcended anything I have ever seen. It was magnificent.
Just now the world must look pretty gloomy. It may seem as if it will never again be bright. But if you can only bring yourself to realize there is something divine in death and that George's fighting, flying spirit is still with you. If you can only realize that the world is better, more glorius for his having lived, that the sun shines a little better spiritually, at least, for having known George, you will find agreator peace than you have ever known. We would be glad to know a little of your plans for the future if you have made any and want to ehlp in any way we can. Little Buddie is of course your chief and only interest and I know the future hinges around him. ************
This letter is all a jumbled mess. It may notdo you any good to read it but it's a clumsy effor to express the sympathy you know we must feel. we pray for you in the way that most of those who fly and play around airplanes pray. Somehow churches never had a great appeal for me, mainly I guess because those who can get up in an sir-plane can find their church in the air. Seems to me nothing can impress one so of his smallness and that there is an all-knowing God. i be-lieve George was closer to God because he flew and had a religion better and finer than people who don't fly.
Well Hattie, don't lose your grip on life and its interests, don't lose flying speed, keep hitting on all eight and drop us a line when you feel like it.