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original quantity clearly leaves a remainder of zero.
  As for limitations, it is certainly to be admitted for example, that the airplane as now built is unsuited for urban travel. It requires considerable clear unobstructed area for starting and alighting. But for interurban travel, on the other hand, these limitations fail to constitute objections of material magnitude. There is no more reason for expecting the aeroplane to find its utility by developing a facility in maneuvering thru mazes of wires and landing amid street traffic than there would be for condemning Altantic liners because they have to dock in the Hudson instead of sailing up Broadway. Surely the ability of the airplane to progress in an air line at its high and maintained speed from selected start to selected destination, always regardless of what may be beneath and always ready should necessity compel to settle under control and without immediate danger upon any fair area of unencumbered land or water space, may be regarded as a form of flexibility sufficiently valuable to offset the lack of other sorts. Moreover, there is some reason for expecting that small airplanes may ultimately arrive at such reliability and perfection of control that it will be feasible to direct them from or upon almost any place that affords space to accommodate this.
  Particularly interesting is the relation of the airplane to warfare,it appearing more than probable that this latest of man's inventions will serve first in adding to the terrors of and then laying of this grim specter of the centuries. For, aside from all