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Next I hear, the poor sap is married. Too bad he was such a nice fellow. Intermission of year or more. 
See Charlie and [[?]] in Buffalo. Going to Lorain. Will see Buck again. Fine! But hell, he'll have that d--- woman with him. Not so good. Arrival!
First few days, no woman in sight. Lives over in a cottage on the lake bank. Then one day, working on wing of ship and a girl about fifteen years old shows up wheeling kid in buggy. I suppose right here, I'm supposed to rave about said girl. Wrong! I just thought, "Well, She'll be pretty when she grows up." 
   And the big surprise when E. Penurious Lott introduces HER MAJESTY and the dark haired rouged vamp of my imagination does a vertical bank and fades out of the picture. Took me quite a while getting reconciled to the fact that Buck was really sane and hadn't married Theda Bara. But why pick on kindergarten? Sure thought for a few minutes that you would start talking about your dolls! Now get sore--- you wanted the truth and you got it.

The rest of the truth is that it was days later before I was convinced that you really weren't a kid and could talk about something. And then I got a look at the cottage one day when it rained on the field, and I thought, "Well she's a good sport at that."

Then fall and Buck or someone suggested that the gang invade the Ford residence. Still not so good until one day, you put on something beside a housedress and I beganto [began to] see why Buck fell so hard. Not that she wasn't pretty in the house dresses, but---

There that should amuse you. It does me. It's more of a truthful exposition than I wanted to make but because it is true, it's highly laughable, or is it? Of course you'll object to the kindergarten phase of it, butcan [but can] you even yet? I don't know what kind of Ben Turpin you thought me, or was it Andy Gump? Your turn. Shoot, I haven't any feelings or wouldn't let you make the mistake you seem to be getting ready to make. By the was Clarice, now I think of it this is going to be sort of a hurried affair. Sort of Fred Harvey style. Time to say "I do" and "Adieu." "Beezness, midear." So have that traveling suit made on the style of a fireman's uniform for our honeymoon is going to be next fall. I'm going in and out of North Carolina like a burglar, just long enough to get the valuables. Thasall. Now isn't he romantic? Besides say I, "You've seen Niagra Falls", and she says, "Yes, but I haven't seen the Mediterranean!"

Regards that fall honeymoon. I read a story once of a bozo who postponed his honeymoon for fifty years and his wife finally kicked the bucket.before he could postpone it for another fifty. The honeymoon trip she ever had was the trip out to the farm on the seat of a wagon loaded with chicken feed. Tears at this point. (Or is it sweat,)

At that I advise you to save this sheet of paper to remind me about the honeymoon, because a bird that will let business postpone a wedding to such a sweet little freckle-faced Cinderella, as you, is awfully apt to postpone his own birthday. I do hereby solemnly promise that if you should be such a nit wit as to marry me that we will