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Waco 115

One day when Mother Junkin was with us, Omlie came over for his ship. Mother Junkin asked Omlie, if he wan't from Drayton, North Dakota. Omlie said "yes," while enlightenment came to him over the name Junkin. He recalled how Mother had sent him out of the Sunday School Class, she was teaching, to retrieve the cap of one the other boys, which cap, Omlie had thrown out of the window. Small world! But Sam grew no better. The doctors thought that Sam needed hospital care, and that I needed the rest and quiet of home, for I had been having sort of strictures that ran down the right side of my body, and that left me helpless and pretty tremulous. I could usually tell when these were coming and Thelma would stay with me telling Sam we were busy...."woman's business," to throw him off the scent. One day the crap started before I could get up from the bed, where I was resting beside Sam. The sweat ran off my forehead, and Mother Junkin couldn't lift me, so she called the factory for Herb and a doctor and Clayt/[[Clayt?]] picked me up, talking to me, just as he had when George had been injured in the Waco-Cootie, while we tried to be causal for Sam's sake, telling him it was all part of the fun. The doctor arrived almost on the heels of the boys, gave me a hypo, which relaxed me, phoned to the hospital to be ready. But I fooled 'em, once more, for assured Sam was all right if I was, I floated off to sleep. Sam was taken to Dayton, Mother Junkin returned to Minneapolis, and Thelma/ Buddie 18 with his drain/ and I, expectant Mother, still weak from my operation, kept house. The Buddie got the measles, which popped the core, covered withpus, out of lymph glands like the pollen covered stamen of a lily. The illness was too oppressive for Buddie, but I had no where to send him. All of that early summer I made baby clothes, to cheer Buddie, for I had little hearth to make them, and I managed alternate day trips to Dayton to see Sam. Sometimes the fumes of the bus would nauseate me, so I had to get off and take the next one. Sam was in a room with pretty furnishings

Transcription Notes:
Note that the writer of this document often edited the printed text with their own handwriting, making it difficult at times to distinguish the exact words present or meant to be transcribed.