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Waco 116

and minus any white, which reminded him of his Buffalo experience. He even hated white dresses. Each time he seemed thinner to me and he was not getting better. Transfusions were given, then he would look better until it ranout, like a hypodermic. Clayt borrowed a comfortable car and took me down evenings with him to see Sam, driving as carefully as if he were used to someone in "my condition". He didn't look so well himself and the business was developing so rapidly it would have kept both boys busy. Sam could come home, after one transfusion, if we could get a house with bedroom and bath on the first floor. We achieved this, but the reaction from the transfusion was pretty violent, and our first anniversary June 21,1926, was over with Sam so desperately ill in Dayton, and me, in Troy, ill. Sam sent me a wire, "Hello Bud and Mrs. Junkins" He had a hard time to get it to me just that way, for he knew I would understand that Bud had thought he was married too, and the name was so often misspelled that he added the "s". A dozen and a half American Beauty roses came too, which also had its code message. He and George had decided it was my flower, unless... teasing, it was daff-y-dil.
Meanwhile,Buddie kept saying he hoped that the baby would be a boy! I was surprised, because he had wanted a sister like his little cousin, but decided he had changed his mind. Sam also wrote me the loveletter he had promised me, but the writing was shakier than we ever expected it to be. He wrote
Dear Mrs. Jenkin-s-s-s-s-, alias Hattie, likewise Hattea;
How do you like this high class paper****** no idea of the kind of paper I used to write to you on. ***** Personally I'm too unromantic to see much use in writing you a letter, when you're apt to show up here any minute yourself in person, but anyway, it may save the trouble (who said that?) of warbling, "I love you," when you get here, if I jot it down now, and what else do you want to hear anyho-o-o-------oo
I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you
I love you______________
(____ IH sam