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Waco 117

Doug David flew his bride in to Troy. They did quite the most generous thing any newlyweds could have done. They spent their time at our house, cheering Buddie and me up, while Sam lay so stricken in the hospital at Dayton. Thereafter, for many years, (until Doug was killed at the Air Races), Doug would proudly read me theletters he had from his wife, proving that their marriage had become as real and happy as their "model" Sam and I......Mr. and Mrs. Waco, as Sam called us.

Life never had a dull moment those days, of illness, birth and we hoped....not death. Our kitten jumped up on the bed one morning, mewing pitifully, and pulled at the covers near my head. I reached out sleepily to pat her, felt the convulsive labor of her little body, and knew the kittens were coming. I pounced out of bed, snatched Sam's shoes out of the wardrobe side of the chifferobe, put a rag rug under poor kitty would had jumped in, and nearly caught the first kitten in my hand. Buddie was sleeping with me those nights, so I could get him to sleep on pleasant thoughts, and so he could, if necessary, phone the doctor for me. Buddie sat quietly at the foot of the four poster, (in which George had died), his eyes full of XXX XXX awe and admiration, and a reverence. I was trembling inside, not for the kitten, but for what I felt in that room, as registered in Buddie's eyes. Reverence for womanhood. I had answered his questions the week before, about the necessity for picking kitty up carefully, and why she and I looked "different". Kitty got along pretty well, I supposed,for it was my initiation to birth(by another), until the fourth kitten. Her poor glazed eyes seemed to beg me to do something, and she mewed her loudest, anguished cry. I told Buddie to just stay where he was so as not to frighten her and I brought her some warm milk which she lapped up readily. Then number four and five were born, finding the breast, in some instinctive 

Transcription Notes:
XXX XXX is hard to read