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WACO 127
November 1, 1926
There Sam lay, half way across the room, the bedding draped like a Bedouin tent, on the corners of his poor skeletons, but his face radiant, his eyes glowing, his voice deep and strong again, caressing me just as surely, caressing me just as sweetly, as if I had been in his arms. Time stood still. There were just two people in theland we were in, Sam and I. Gone was all the agony of the flesh, his flesh and mine. Gone was all the confusion, the intrigue, the torture of the body and soul, of the past seven months. Peace...... perfect peace was ours. Sam begged me"to stay sweet, (his lips tremulous), not to become cynical and bitter as he knew, I would have a reason to be, but to stay sweet and no one would hurt me; that I had a job ahead of me, that only Hattie could do, that I had no idea of what had been brewing the past few months, but I could undo it, I was Hattie. Would I promise him to be selfish for myself, that the baby would live all right, but for me, he didn't know.... I was Cinderella and the clock was going to strike midnight, AND as long as the name Waco was stamped on an airplane, the children and I were to be taken care of. ' Here, kiss me good-bye my sweet."
A year later, Troy, Ohio 1927.
The Aunt of our doctor apologized to me thru/her tears, asking forgiveness for having been and involuntary witness of this farewell. She said, she always lookin in on her ways hoe, for she knew how stricken we were, saw the unusual bright lights, and her feet would not move. When she saw me standing under the chandelier,"looking as happy as if angels had kissed me." She said she knew it was a farewell, but that we two were happier than most people ever are, yet we both looked near death, and it was the loveliest thing she had ever FELT in her eighty years of living. Strange, yet not strange at all. And so, after all these years, I share with world, all the moments, so precious and sacred to me, ONLY because I feel they might inspire YOUTH to live at its best, it's fullest.