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#3 (continued)
I have decided to prognosticate a little bit myself --
Some day I will probably be dandling my grandson on my 
knee while we , they to- days Paw--and Maw-- sit back
listening to our grown kids anticipating the difficult
ties of a crowded terminal at Paris, FRANCE-- (not Illinois) due to little diffcultie in -- starting-- (ah-
cantcha take a joke)-- well I'll betcha if a pilot ever
gets started as soon as he expected or gets home in [[strikethrough]] tim [[/strikethrough]]
time for supper instead of doing all that ground flying on the field , after landing, both parties will die
from shook! What Bud? Oh some day you will find a man
with goggles on in the magazines like Daddy. They just 
need some more convincing. Iam sleepy -- that old motor
turns 'em over nicely -- Amen.

There is Cleveland. One hanger, like the ad. in
Aero Digest. Not canvas either. Two De Havilands too.
They surely look little alongside this ton. Bet I could
touch the edge of the soot. At least the buildings are
discernible. In Chgo. the Wrigley tower is all that [[strikethrough]] stic- [[/striekthrough]]
sticks out. (I like Chgo tho. Lookit the hubby it gave

Ha--- we are down and, dear doctor, lookit the mud.  Guess a half mile from the gas pump is as far as this [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] ark goes.  C.D. is anxios for a bath -- well the pail was not with us in the storm ' member?  And lookit that good looking feller of mine.  I ask you "confidentially" HOW can a man who is so good to look at, get as dirty and unrecognizable as that -- and stay so "goldern" lovable[[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]]  Yes and further more I don't get any attention at all when son and father get to-gether later.  You know how I hate 'emboth!

The only answer to [[underlined]] this [[/underlined]] maiden's prayer is food and sleep.  The tank is filled for the deferred flight -- to-morrow.  Five gallon trips of gas with that big ship to fill, and a half mile each trip makes a sum of how much [[circled]] expended [[/circled]] brawn and how much patience on one tired pilot-- BUCK -- and the durn ship always does something to Bucks neck -- leaving an ache that only rubbing takes out. Little Buck is so good and so tired too.  The mechanic ? He is the cleanest looking "hombre" around here.  What's the matter with Hank,. oh he's all rite."  O.D. has gotten a "yellow" (as usual)and we are going into town.  Buckhas put his cap on and stuffed his helmet and the "resis tals" into his pocket.  I would like everybody to know he is a pilot but that is one fine point we do not discuss.  Hank has his helmet on and Buck said let Hank get the kick out of it.