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Cable Address - WACO   Phone 820
Bentley Code   

WACO Airplanes          
The Advance Aircraft Company

Toledo, Ohio
May 22, 1929

Dear Diary - 
This is five yrs. later there the trip in the Breguet. This ship is a Cessna - much smaller, carries four - as many miles to the gallon of gas as a Ford Car - and flies itself if stabilizer and controls are correctly placed. (Moral - no hurt spinal vertabrae from weight of ship as in the Breguet.
Much water has flowed under the bridge.  Buck I. has bee physically dead for five years. Since - Waco - means go eaver Aircraft Co which means Buck - he still lives - leave the Municipal field (are like Municipal fields I expect because they are like the poor but similarly air minded pioneers than started Ashburn field. Ah! Those Aero Club of Illinois boys had the stuff - Tookeh Motty Laird to-day, Charlie "Loch" Arens - C.D. Dickenson - Partridge and Pop Keeler now gone - all those big hearted fellows.) There's your Spirit of Commercial Aviation. And here is Parker Cramer giving us some of the fun he knows we are starved for.
Buck II is two. He is to ride in the rear this time. Just been sick with a usual cold.