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the stick so that he seldom touches it. I am feeling the rudder too with my controls.  This side of each dual is much nicer.
Buck II, my movie camera which Parker took to Alaska and back, a bag and a "still" camera makes our load.
This is great!  We can read maps, letters, data on the Alaska trip, duct vocally fox trots have the comfort of a cabin, the transparent [[strikethrough]] open [[/strikethrough]] which gives infinite range and warmth (needed in winter sun.)
Here is Cedar Point. Buck + I used to enjoy the "side by eachness of Bill Long's Flying Boat which we used for passenger carrying.  That summer we lived in Medina. The Leaver Aircraft Co. built the first three square tipped Waco's.  They were Jennie fuselages replaced (with changes) by a 3/4 steel fuselage.  The factory force was Buck Weaver (only Pilot until he taught Jr.), Elwood, Sam " Jenkin, C. J. Brukner - Herb Jenkin and Bud Shulemberger (who is mostly responsible for the Waco 10 in my opinion.)
Happy summer for me. Brukner had been in t he Eskimo Pie business with Buck + me in Boston while Sam worked in Martins, until we could start building + finance it. The Waco-Cootie smack us.  Buck's face was better but he couldn't smell fuel in days of water cooled motors that was bad for a pilot.  Also one eye bothered.  I wonder if he were alive if due to the resultant injuries to the eye & nose if he could pass a physical test. Maybe death saved him the Irony of it.