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The Advance Aircraft Company



Buck II can now read the cities— from the signs on the roofs to me. Six yrs. of change.

There's the [[drawing of a cross]] red cross shaped hospital bldg. which is a hospital in Sandusky. In 1923 we wondered, & there it is, same hospital. 

Here is Lorain. Haven't flown over since they had the Tornado in 1924— a few wks. before Joe Buck died from the appendix adhesions that took him. (yeah! Aviation is dangerous- Buck flew before & during & since the war. He was one of the 35 Civilian Flying Instructors that taught our army to fly— he died in bed. So did Junkin– my baby girls father & Bucks chum.)

Here in 1929 I read Parker Cramer's article, clear and concise about a land route around world and twenty days ago I wished him three pt. landings" as he left the show for Alaska. Now he & Hasseel expect to circle the globe to give the U.S. the corner on the sure to be best airway routes to Europe— Irup, Syrup, Ketchup! It's a great world if you have followed & believed in aviation— commercial aviation. Notice the new are leaving the Army for jobs from fellows in Commercial Aviation. Said Army "usetes" find the poor