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[[ unclear writing ?]]

[[ Printed ]]
The Philips
Philipsburg. Penna.
 [[/ Printed ]]

My Babe Weaver,
Hows AI THEMS HEARTS and they mean love.

Sunday night I've been in the hotel all day long with hot water applications and flax seed poultice on an inflamed eye, swollen almost closed with a little blind boil in the corner.

The doctor has a corn plaster [[drawing]] filled full of antifligestren on it now to draw it to a head and by tomorrow night the boil should be gone and the swelling with it and I should be ready to be gone the following day on [[ unclear writing ]] it will be grand now when that da [[?]]. Renault starts out in a sice steady brrrr [[?]] shopping em off twelve cylinders one after the other, hour after hour, mile after mile until I see the smoke of cri[[?]] then CALUMET Lake then the lagoon in MARQUETT PARK with the litsle [[?]] house with my daffodil out in front waving and the little dandy-lion there too then a long glide out to the field. Then me to the phone before i put the