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of many cities and the only one in Lorain. We took the picture in 1923. In 1924 the Tornado took it away and Bill put up a sign — "Open for business — the sky's the limit".

Bud was nearly three when we left Lorain for Wiebita. Now his Dad is dead — never saw even a Waco 9 - Bud is 10 — a "soon to be" young man — I have "Saws" and my little girl Janet — her dad lived long enough to see Waco 9's pur aviation once business basis — (out of the sport or "circus act")class and died when she was four weeks old. Now Waco's are such a success and it all started in Lorain with Buck & Sam & Clay & I and little nine months old Bud — with youth & courage and faith in the Waco that is to-day — and to have us all back to-gether — I think Clay too, would undo the to-day. [[Strikethrough]]The days of [[?]] to be are the happy ones! [Strikethrough]]
Parker shows us the route to the hopes over the Aceaus — we realize the leaps & bounds in which commercial aviation has developed — we are up here leaving cities quickly behind — we talk — we sing? foxtrots — remember the danse the nite before — seem up the joy of just being alive — allowed to have real fun — like flying side by each in "old twice" company and with a storehouse of memories that makes us feel wealthy and privileged — we decide it's a grand thing to be alive.

Here is Cleveland — one hour — its 7.55 — "lookit" the string of hangers and the live new buildings