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And perhaps the little piese of the 
rotten apple that that wasn't rotten will
sometime find out from the
orchard keeper why it was that
it was part of a rotten apple
and why there have to be rotten
apples and why the orchard
keeper didn't cut the good little
piece out of the rotten apple
and let it stay in the barrel
with the sweet little apple
who it had grown to know
and loved so well.
  And perhaps in another year
the good little piece of the rotten apple
will soften and turn into a 
rich clear sap and climb
slowly up the trunk of the
apple tree out thru a limb
and a twig into the heart
of a bud and finally fall
in the petal of an apple blossom
on the head of a beautiful
angel girl who is singing
a song of love. And

Transcription Notes:
Missing words marked with [[?]]-resolved