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it here or Europe or you are selling the BUSINESS of Commercial Aviation to everybody. The millennium my boys never saw and every body in the industry will tell you that the WACO(9) put commercial aviation on a business basis and no one can unders[tand] how in the awful congested space and lack of money he did it. There is no other company that has the background that WACO has the human appeal and the hearts of so many tied up in homes for it's infinite success.

I meant to say that there is also some of our original advertising. It is quite unique. The spirit of it all is light. Mr. Brukner has a letter of Mr. Junkin's in the files that reflects the spirit of Henry Ford in his observation of WACO and the appreciation of Mr. Jenkin's rare ability as a genius and a business man.

The point in telling you all of this again is to ask you to let me know in time of the issue of the stock so that the papers may get this contemporaneously. Air Transportation has albums with the Old Timers pictures in it. They are paying me to use them and more than they payed any other contributions/ You see the value for interesting reading. 

I would have to get them to have the pictures ready (the ones we would want) and be able to pull all the wires at once.

It looks like WACO time of the year - does it not and when the "gears" mesh, so to speak. there is harmony -- and all I want to do is help make the tune louder so finally there will not be any one interested or not in aviation, who will not know just what WACO means. In all sincerity, I say if I were entirely out of WACO financially. like a mother of her children I cannot face the eradication of WACO from eternity after the investment my children' fathers put in those airplanes.

Thanking you kindly, and hoping this is accepted in the spirit it is offered in,