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$4I23 Packard Rd. 
Toledo, Ohio,
June 14. I929

Mr.August Lenniger
New YorkCity.

Dear Sir;
You have been referred to me by a good friend of mine Chgo. :Harley Mitchell, editor of Aeronautics, regarding an articles of about 50,000 words which I wish to submit to the Saturday Evening Post. 
The story is called "The Human Investment in WACO, as Seen by Mrs.Waco."(being myself)
The story is a true history of the pioneer days of the Waco Aircraft Co., (recently the Advance Aircraft Co.,) which is located in Troy, Ohio.
I was the wife of "Buck" Weaver who was president of the company which was first called the Weaver Aircraft Co., located at Lorain, Ohio. in 1919.
After "Buck's" death I married his chum who was President of the Advance Aircraft Co., in Troy, Ohio.
You may read the short synopsis of the history as I submitted it (at request) to Air Transportation. 
This magazine is publishing a great deal of data on the subject and since our stock (I am still one of the original holder) went on the curb to-day, the story is of universal interest, aside from aviation.
I have woven the threads of the lives of the three boys who started the business all thru facts of the development of the building and selling of WACOS. Every point I have made I have proven and loaned considerable punch to, by the use of many phtostats of technical changes and have made the characters flesh and blood with pictures of the boys themselves at different ages as they applied themselves to aviation interests which reached their climax in the riumvirate formed by them, the inception of WACO, and continued it up to date sans the misunderstandings that developed after the death of "Sam" Junkin. in 1926.
I have pictures which seem to increase in value as the company grows and their value now and the number of things, such as "Sam's figures showing the proportioning out of money and material and the inception of the distributorship plan that put WACO's on a business basis, are a gratifying surprise to me.
I want to get this story in the Sat. Eve, ost if possible before the Air Races in August, as I expect to cover much