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1825^[[-3]] (H)
ishib'cha, indicating that you does takes it off his garment (H)
ishib'chi, that you are pull or takes it off clothes from ^[[(+K)]](H)
ishib'cho, state of that does takes it off garment from (H)
ishib'ka, to pull off or comes off garment itself (H)
ishib'ki, to make him to takes off his clothes (H)
ishib'la, to takes off his garment from (H)
ishib'li, causing to pull off his clothes (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ishib'lo, to make him off his clothes (H)
ishib'ta, to take it or pull off the garment now (H) (H)
ishib'ti, state of being who does takes off his garment [[strikethrough]]then[[/strikethrough]] 
ishib't[[macron below "o"]], [[strikethrough]]state of being who does takes off his garment then[[/strikethrough]]
pull it or take it off his garment then (H)
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sih'no, old, become old (H) ^[[atcō'ba']]
taiyi'' se'heno'gok, the old woman (0110)
taye se'nostcok, an old woman (0118) ^[[atcō'ba (+K)]]
^[[people]] ^[[(tai'ye (akoxtcō'sî (K,) old woman]]
^[[siheno (A+K)]]
^[[atcō'ba' (K)]]
^[[animals +c]]
[[end page]]

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isih'no, becomes into old age (H)
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[[start page]]
sik'ka, choking noise breath, causing bad cold (H) ^[[nûktîtî'fka (K)]]
sik'ko, having hissing sound as a breath (H)
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^[[tco'poksitcōs (K)]]
^[[tc]]sikhe'tcos, hills (137) ^[[ [[strikethrough]] tûkhe'tco (K)[[/strikethrough]] ]]
^[[tc]]sikh[[strikethrough]]is[[/strikethrough]]^[[e]] panna paittihoba, table-land (H) ^[[ [[strikethrough]] tcîkhos[[/strikethrough]] ]] ^[[tcopoksîpan'a]] ^[[itahōba (K]]
sikhi'tcûstā'gạn, 4 high hills (094)
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[[start page]]
sîk'hînuta', deep valley ^[[, (or) under a hill]]
^[[tco'bukhîmita' (K)]]
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sikittimpitch, night-hawk (H)  ^[[tcîtîłha'ma (K)]]
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sîkō'pa, poor ^[[îstîbȧ'kłê (K)]]
posikâⁿbạt, we are going to die (probably "[[strikethrough]]poss[[/strikethrough]] we miserable ones") (69)
isikōⁿ'pā'stcon, poor (161)
tcicigo'po', you get sad ^[[(]]from lying down ^[[)]] ^[[îstîbākłōs'tcûn (K)]] (027)
hisikopā'lekạtcomō' he has made me sorry (051)
cikōⁿ'pastcûn, poor (0118)
sikō'mpatcûn, poor (0124)