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1944 ^[[-2]]
^[[t]]sasto'k pa'tha, butter beans ^[[peas/fluid[[?]]
^[[palan patha[[? guess]] (K)]]

chachi'ha, eldest person;(pl.), eldest person, eldest one (H)
chacho'si, sing.; young elderly person (H)
cha'chi, oldest brother, oldest sister (H) ^[[sihino tci[[?]] (K)]]
incha'chi, the oldest brother or sister (H)
incha'cho, becoming to be eldest (H)
tcatci'tcatci'hok, elder brothers, elder brothers (crying out) (056)

chawa'na, n. having three corners stick used for frame-sheet from baby sleep (H) ^[[(+K)]]
^[[a little house formally made for the baby to sleep in, a few poles interlocking at top]]

oho'matcumetce', it has always been red in it (eye) since then (016) ^[[(+K)]]
wi'lili tce', I am hunting (hogs) (069) ^[[(+K)]]

chis, chin, chim, your (H)  
chi, you (H)
chibishno, yours (H)
chisnalli, chisnahli, chisnossih, yourself (H)
chisnossilla hullo, to become yours (H)
husnahlih; hachimahmossih, yourself (H)
mahtik chisnallo, because it is yours (H)
chisnokobi, not yours (H)
chim pachukoka, it is your chair (H)
chim mahmossih, it is your duty (H)
chim intullihno, your business (H)
chishukbafa, to your arm (H)
chilbafa, to your head (H)
has no, (pl.) yours (H)
attuk chillu, you the man (H)
chik, you not (H)
mahchi, you are (H)
chisnoko, not you (H)
chi yimmi, mon chihchi, you can (H)
chi yinko, mon chikhcho, you can not (H)
mon chihchi, akanchihchi, you can do (H)

1949 ^[[-1]]
^[[see 167]]
achi'li, to put something at or to storage (H) ^[[(+K)]]
achi'lo, to store in (H)
ishotci'lit, laid it down (165) ^[[(+K)]]
itatce'kat, they [[strikethrough]] xxx [[/strikethrough]] were lying down (165)
intci'lok, she set it there (or she sat there)(051)
tci'gatcotuhun, (creeks) were many (065)
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