Viewing page 43 of 101

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2041 ^[[-2]]
tcukạ'kạ', Guinea hen
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2042 ^[[-3]]
tcugạka' taiye', guinea hen
[[end page]]

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chŭ'k^[[‿ ]]kî', overtake, a stunt ^[[to catch from behind (+K)]]
hlohlit chukki, to run to catch (H) ^[[łohȧlît tcȧki (+K)]]
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[[start page]]
2044 ^[[-1]] 
tcoko,( to sit(sing.)   (pl. tci^[[ki]])  ^[[(+K)]]
tcoko'lîle, I sit down
tcokotce', you sit down
tcokole', he sits down
ạba'li-tco'kole, God, "One sitting above."
istcokolē'gaton, he sat down in the house with it(143)
achokole, abide, to dwell (H)
chukkoka, home (H) ^[[întcukō'ka (+K)]]
inchukkoka ikso, homeless (H)
inchukkoka hahpa, his new home (H)
[[strikethrough]]o[[/strikethrough]]inchukkoka fehna, former home (H)
inchukkoka ishtahoba, to be like his home (H)
inchukkoka ishtah hobachi, homely (H)
chukkoṉhchih, homestead (H)
ostạdjo'koleha'mok, he went there and sat down a little while (048) 
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2045 ^[[-2]]
tcoko'lecạn, he was living near?)(7)
tcokoⁿ'lecạn, lived near(?)(36)
atostindjogoⁿ'lin, he got there and sat down with them(36)
chukkokachuffa, family (H)
[[strikethrough]]issh chukk[[/strikethrough]] attih chukkoka chuffalih, the head of a family (H)
in chukkoka, his family (H)
choko'ka, home, dwell, to live, family (H)
choko'ko, homeless, without stay in, not sit (H)
choko'li, sit, sit down, to live in, dwelling (H)
choko'lo, set,settled, stating having dwelt (H) ^[[(+K)]]
patchokuli, mount (H)
pachokahchi, mounted (H)
pachokulia, mounting (H)
chitchubba patchokuli, mounted on horse (H)
chitchubba patchokulili, I mount on horse (H)
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2046 ^[[-3]]
padj, to ride
pádjogolele', I ride ^[[I sit down (orig. meaning)]]
pa'djogoledje, [[strikethrough]]you ride[[/strikethrough]] ^[[he caused [[(r?ok)]] him to ride]]
pa'djogole', he rides
padjihilgaska', we ride
padjîgihilka, you 2 ride
padjihîlgasko, [[strikethrough]]you[[/strikethrough]] ^[[we]] all ride
padjîhîlgasketce', they ^[[all]] ride
padjige'gate', they [[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]] ^[[all]] ride
padjogo'lahîtoñko', he is going to ride ^[[some]]
patchukolli, ride (H)
patchukochi chumullu, you can ride (H)

Transcription Notes:
*diacritics missing - added * added some missing handwriting * cleared a few [[?]]s