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carpet in their apt. For young men - sounded like they might have left the apt. in good shape!
   Wed. night, all of the old & Waco employees, got to see the movie with Robert Redford in it free. Ruth + I had to pay. Will send the newspaper clip.

   We saw a friend of Bud's when he was little, Bruce Geisinger, he is a judge - Municipal Court Troy.
He was asking about Bud and you. Said they surely ought to film "your life and experiences."
He seems like quite a guy, personality + easy to talk to. Bill was kidding with Bruce about the part of airplane that he + Bud played with at [[?]] house 1st Waco - that they tore it all apart.
Remember about the CJB harassment to 8 yr Bud 

- Lucile

'Waco Night' at Mayflower June 18

Alan Teicher, manager of the Mayflower Theater, says that Wednesday, June 19, will be "Waco Night" and he  is inviting all former Waco employees to be his guests. 
The occasion is the opening of "The Great Waldo Pepper" in which the star, Robert Redford, pilots a Waco airplane. Teicher says former Waco employees need only appear at the box office and they will be admitted free. 
Teicher is also bringing the old weekday matinee back to Troy. Beginning on June 18, and on every Thursday thereafter throughout the summer, there will be a feature matinee at 1:30 p.m. with the admission price for all seats $1. 
Teicher says this is not a "kiddee matinee" but will be a matinee showing of the theater's feature move at the time.