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H.D. Frazee, Editor 
Joe Burten, Associate Editor

Oh, I Hope I Go Away ................... Page 6
Flying Eight Miles Above the Earth...... Page 7 
Luck-By "Toodle D-Doo" ................. Page 9 
The Life of a Parachute Jumper
   By Mark M. Campbell ................. Page 11
The Round the World Flight.............. Page 15 
Getting Away With It-By Lew Lewis ...... Page 17
The Gordon Bennett Balloon Race ........ Page 17
The A.S.P.A. ........................... Page 23
The Roll of Honor ...................... Pages 24,25
Editorial .............................. Page 26
The Vought "Corsair" ................... Page 27
The Airplane of the Future ............. Page 35
Glossary of Aviation Terms ............. Page 36
Ask Us Another-About Flying ............ Page 38 
New and Not of Interest ................ Page 39  

[[italicized]] Aviation Stories and Mechanics [[/italicized]] is published monthly by The Flying Publishing Company, 1841 Broadway, New York City, U.S.A. 
Subscription by the year, $3.00. Single copies, 25c. In Canada, $3.50. Foreign postage, 75c additional. Entered as second-class matter June 27, 1927, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. 
Trade Mark of title applied for with U.S. Patent Office. Manuscripts and photographs received at sender's risk and must be accompanied with sufficient postage to guarantee their return. Articles dealing with amateur aeronautics especially desired and will be paid for at reasonable rates on publication. Copyright, 1927, by The Flying Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Vol. 1, No. 4, Feb., 1928. 
Photos by Aeme & P & A