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The Airplane of the Future

[[in box at the top of page - Professor Klemin, head of the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aeronautics at New York University, makes interesting observations in this article. needless to say, his predictions are founded on careful observation.]]

Hesitating to make definite predictions concerning "The Airplane of the Future" beacue in this early stage of development construction may be revolutionized, Proffessor Alexander Klemin, head of the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aeronautics of New York University, states in the present trend a number of fundamental improvements which will be important factors in the new planes. 
Air cooled engines which are a part of a multiple power plant will be so arranged that if one fails another can carry the plane with ease. Repairs can be made in the air and non-inflammable fuel will be used. He says: "Prediction in engineering matters is always dangerous, because at any moment the course of normal progress may be revolutionized by some outstanding discovery or invention. This is particularly true of airplane construction which is a comparatively new art.
"The airplane is still associated in our minds with wood as the main component of the structure, with linen or fabric as the outer covering. The history of ships and of automobiles, and all present indications in airplane design, lead to the conviction that the airplane of the future will be entirely of metal, either steel, duralumin or a similar light alloy, and that its imperiousness to weather and its usable term of service will be very greatly lengthened thereby.
"The fire hazard in aviation has been already greatly reduce. It will disappear almost entirely by the development of light aero engines burning a cheap and non-inflammable heavy oil fuel, and y the provision of exhaust stacks or pipes which shall be so cooled by the rush of air that no potentially dangerous "hot spots" remain.
"Since the wonderful transatlantic flights of Lindbergh, Chamberlin, and Byrd, aviation enthusiasm in the United States has reached the fever pitch, and the rapidity with which numberless airports and landing fields are being constructed and planned is extraordinary. Nevertheless we must have complete security of the power plant. The aero engine of the future will be air-cooled, eliminating all radiator or plumbing troubles.The power plant will be a multiple unit, so that if one or more engines go out of commission it will be possible to continue flight with perfect security, and to make necessary engine repairs or adjustments in the air.
"The fundamental aero-dynamic characteristics fo the airplane may not change, but there will most certainly be progress on the lines of increased safety. Planes will land at thirty miles an hour instead of some fifty miles an hour, as at present. 
"The Daniel Guggenheim Safe Aircraft Competition, with $100,000 as its major prize will do much to secure these slow landing characteristics in commercial airplanes. It may also produce air craft having far greater stability than at present. We may look forward to the day when no matter how unexpectedly the engine fails, the plane will take up a steady and safe glide towards the ground; no matter what abnormal attitude the plane may assume, it will rapidly regain an even keel; no matter how gusty or foggy the weather, the commercial plane will fly with perfect stability.
"The power of an aircraft engine diminishes with the rarer atmosphere of great heights. But if the air is suitably compressed, or the engine "supercharged", its power may be maintained, and we then have the paradoxical fact that the higher the airplane flies, the faster it flies. We can conceive of a plane with super charged engine, and an air-tight passenger compartment suitably heated and supplied with air at normal pressure, flying at 30,000 feet above sea level at 300 miles per hour. A ten-hour trip from New York to San Francisco may be within reach of the busy merchant prince."
[[image of airplane with the text "Ford"]]