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Black Lies the Pilot Tells
"Yes, Geraldine," he promises the girl he has just met, "I'll give your father and mother and uncles and aunts and brothers and sisters and first, second and third cousins and your friends and acquaintances and all their relatives a ride in my airplane someday."

"I'm sorry, Elsie," he says after landing in a secluded spot. "we've run out of gas, and we'll just have to wait until someone comes along to get some for us."

"Yes, Mary, I'll fly over and visit you next summer. No I won't forget. Yes, I'll write. Yes, I love you. No I don't mind the time you caught your sleeve in the throttle and gave me heart failure when the engine quit. Yes, I'll be good. No I won't -- Aw, hell! Contact!"

"No, Tom," he tells the rival who cut him out at the dance, "I won't loop it, or spin, or roll. No, honest I won't do any stunts. Come on, get in. I'll give you a ride, and well see how you like it!"

"Yes, Alice," he promises the girl it has taken him two hours to drive two miles, I'll have a picture taken and send one for you to show your father and mother and uncles and aunts and brothers and sisters and first, second and third cousins and your friends and acquaintances and all their relatives. Yes, sure I will. No, I'll not forget!"

Commercial Deliveries
by Parachute
J. J. Harrigan, Chief test Pilot for a San Diego aircraft corporation, flying a duplicate of Col. Lindbergh's famous mono-plane, released a special built Russell parachute, containing a number of copies of a late newspaper as he flew over Escondido, California, recently. This is the very first instance of interurban delivery of daily newspapers by airplane and aerial parachute.

Hotel Breslin
Broadway at 29th St., New York
One block from Fifth Avenue: Three blocks from Penn. Station. Subway connects with Grand Central Terminal. Convenient to Stores, Theatres, and all steamship piers. 
Rates:                             Per Day
Single rooms with running water $2.00 and $3.00
Single rooms with bath or shower 3.00 and 4.00
Double rooms with running water 4.00 and 5.00
Double rooms with bath or shower 5.00, 6.00 and 7.00
Parlor, Bedroom and Bath 10.00 to 12.00
For Reservations, Wire at Our Expense
Booklet and Map of New York Upon Request
Paul A. McGolrick        David F. Cullen
Managing Director          Manager