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It's Air Route for 
Prisoners If These
Deputies Get Them

(Special to The Plain Dealer)
ELYRIA, Sept. 2.-- Sheriff N.D.
Backus has as deputies Buck
Weaver and Clarence Brown, 
aviators, who conduct a school at Lorain.

He claims they are the only
aviator deputy sheriffs in the country
and plans on sending prisoners
to the penitentiary by airplane

A Record Breaking Crowd on Wednesday.
The Airplane Proved a Big [[?]]
tion- Weather Fine in the Afternoon, But Rainy in the [[Morning?]]
Exhibits are Excellent.

[[?]] G TO LOOP" --- AND HE DID
What's the sensation of air cruising? To a Gazette representative, who early this afternoon, as a passenger of Lieut. Lott rode miles through the air, above Bellevue and
the surrounding country, it surpassed anything offered by the smoothest running automobile, while the birds-eye view which is thus afforded of the city and surrounding country surpasses in beauty even the most vivid imagination of the postcard artists. In fact, the birds apparently have the "best of it" insofar as landscape views are concerned
After climbing into the machine,Lieut. Lott imparted a few simple instructions and warnings, then the start was made. Bumping lightly over a field on the Paul Ruffing farm, just east of the Mill pond,-- it seemed no rougher than the city
street which was traversed by automobile in reaching the flying
field- the aviator turned gracefully
and headed westward. Just as a [[?]] rowth of orn hove into 
[[?]] e machine tilted ever so [[?]] - took graceful parting from [[?]] und and the Gazette repre[[?]] e was "up in the air" liter[[?]] though not figuratively.[[?]] ning through the air space at [[?]] d of seventy-five miles an [?]] many feet above old terra[[?]] - (we had sworn we'd not leave good old earth). Bellevue's business blocks and residences take on the appearance of those miniatures with which children are ac-
customed to play, street cars and automobiles having a similar appearance, while the green fields and ribbon-like roads, winding away for miles in the distance present a view
which brings the conclusion that designers of birds-eye view postcards must all be aviators.
Suddenly the engine ceased humming and we thought 'twas all over. We were satisfied, though reluctant to return to ground and once again resume the accustomed routine. 
"Now we're going to loop."

It was Aviator Lott speaking. Hardly had he uttered the words when the hum of the engine resumed and- one news hound expected never again to torture a typewriter. The air rushed past at inconceivable speed and while we still were waiting for the earth to meet us, the plane suddenly righted, the engine ceased humming and Aviator Lott again was speaking.
"We looped the loop. Did you know it?" he asked. We assured him we did.
"It was one of the prettiest loops we've ever seen, was the comment of the crowd gathered at the flying field when the plane landed after the flight.
Lt. Lott, who is the navigator in charge of the machine here, has had ten years experience in the flying game and, to use his own words, "knows nothing else." He recently returned from service with the American army as an instructor in flying, and is fully competent to handle the machine which he uses.

The machine is a Curtiss, of the type used by the American army. It has a wing spread of 45 feet and the motor is 90 horse-power. The flyer develops a speed of 75 miles an hour when driving at capacity.
Lt. Lott flew here this morning from Norwalk where, in two days he carried a total of 35 passengers. At New London, Labor Day, 45 passengers were carried. The machine will remain here until Sunday night for the purpose of carrying passengers. Flights are made in the lyogThgers. Flights and landings are made in a large field, just east of the Mill pond. 



SEPT - 5-191[[?]]

Bellevue residents will be afforded another opportunity of "touring the air" Saturday and Sunday when Ohio's first aerial sheriffs -- Aviators George E. Weaver and C.W. Brown, Lorain, recently returned from army service--will make a two-day stop here. The aviators were expected to arrive here late this afternoon and will make landings and flights from a field on the Paul Ruffing farm, just east of the Mill pond. Fred Moore, manager of the Ohio Aviation school, Lorain was here last evening making arrangements for the visit of the aviators. 

The aviators bear the distinction of  being the first "air cops" in the state of Ohio, having been named deputies by the Lorain county sheriff. Both have had extensive experience in the air navigation as members of the aerial force which played no little part in bringing victory to the allies in the recent world war. 

The Cleveland News of Wednesday contained a photo of Sheriff Backus Lorain

Eastern Off[[?]] Fifth Av[[e?]] Western [[O?]] Wabash [[?]]

Airplane Propeller
Revolves 14,000 
Time a Minute

From Norwalk to Milan and back in the space of a minute. Going some Going some is it not? Yet it would not be an impossibility were you the lucky possessor of a machine which would travel at the same rate of speed that the tip of an aeroplane propeller travels. To the student of mathematics the aeroplane offers some delights in figures, according to Lieut. E. P. Lott, aeroplane instructor for the Ohio Aviation School located at Lorain, Ohio, and who is visiting Norwalk this week on an exhibition tour with his Curtiss passenger carrying plane.

Lieut. Lott stated that with his ninety horse-power engine his propeller is turning up 1400 revolutions per minute at the shaft. The sweep of the propeler, which is about eight feet in length from tip to tip, is about twenty-five feet. Figure this out from the rate of speed at the shaft and you arrive at the figures of approximately seven miles per minute, that the tip of the propeller travels around through the air. Figure this out by the hour and the total distance of mileage the tip of propeller travels [[through?]] [[the?]] [[air?]] reaches the astounding figures of 397 8-11 miles per hour. 

Speaking of propellers and the mathematician again becomes interested. Every propeller on an aeroplane must be evenly balanced. One side must exactly correspond to the other both in pitch and weight. A tiny carpet tack driven into one end of the propeller blade could unbalance the propeller and make aerial navigation difficult for the pilot.

When varnishing the blade great care is taken to keep the balance accurate sometimes necessitating scraping on one of the blades to make both ends true. 

The aeroplane, as far as gasoline consumption is concerned is practically on parity with the high powered motor car of today. About eight miles are obtained on a gallon of gasoline or about nine gallons per hour is consumed on steady running. All of the gasoline is what is known [[as?]] high test gas or above 85 [[percent?]].

Lieut. Lott has traveled a distance of 135,000 miles through the air or a total mileage of over five times around the earth. Aeroplane mileage is figured by the number of hours actually in the air. This is the basis upon which actual time for training of students for air pilots positions, is figured. Lieut. Lott is authority for the statement that any person with ordinary intelligence can learn to fly an aeroplane in 400 minutes, actual flying time. The course extends over a period of from four to five weeks. The training school is located at stop [[3?]] on the Lake Shore Electric.

Lieut. Lott will finish his exhibi [[tion?]] flying and passenger carrying [[?]] night. He is flying from the [[?]] Field on Norwood avenue [[?]] the Fair Grounds. 

Transcription Notes:
Note that in between the columns titled "Aerial Sheriffs Expected..." and "Airplane Propeller Revolves 14,000 Times a Minute," there is a thin column of text that cannot quite be made out.