Viewing page 13 of 114

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[top right clipping]
rice. She's to be featured in the first film musical
is made by Albert Capellini from the popular musical
   the famil[[covered]] to the movies first in
[[covered]] the Mountains." Many
[[covered]]res in which she ap-

[large center clipping]
SUNDAY, JULY 20,1919

the "sevens me
materials for tho
raway of

ool fabrics sec-
a semi-annual
nts such as these
s ever fresh, new
ng fashions.
n both silks and
rt froms eason to
to year.
cluded in these dis-
staple sort, the wis-
dom of buying now in a
possible fall and winter
evident to every foresight
As for ouselves, it is
of carrying no goods
season to another that
ductions on materials so
it is questionable if we w
able to purchas them
their sale prices.

[left bold print]1 to 6 yds. in
c to $3.96 yd.

de chines, shantungs, plain
foulard, vash satins, fancy
s. Black and many desir-

[right bold print] Wool goods-
79c to $3.4

Serges, broadcloths, jersey,s
granite cloths, poiret twills,
and stripes, silk and wool
street shades.

[bold print]s for blouses, dresses, suits, coats, trimmings, children'
Macy's - Second Floor, 35th Street.

[bold print] yards of
ed voile
c yd.
lly 59c yd.

s dainty and effective as 
ensiive chiffons or Georg-
floral effects on medium
s, appropriate for imme-
ches wide.

econd Floor, Centre.

[bold print] Here are white cottons
to make the mid-sum
mer wearables. These weaves are always de-

Three novel basket weave striped
effects on cotton gabardine
grounds. 36 inches wide.

Fine sheer quality for cool
Summer frockes and blouses. 39
inches wide.

Macy's - Second Floor, Centre

There's a long siege of hot weather

[[right column of larger clipping]]
Women's cott [[cutoff]] —with style to [[cutoff]]
Yet they're simple enough to be  [[cutoff]] tubbed and ironed. And they're s [[cutoff]]every woman may own at least one [[cutoff]]


Illustrated, [[cutoff]]
A tunic dress of good quality plai [[cutoff]] bands of chambray to match the p [[cutoff]]dress has particularly good lines. 

Illustrated,  [[cutoff]]
Striped voile dress, in an excellent  [[cutoff]] shawl collar and cuffs of organdie pi [[cutoff]] Because there are only two color [[cutoff]] white, black and white, this dress [[cutoff]] $12,74 to

Illustrated,  [[cutoff]]
A cool and becoming frock of che  [[cutoff]] shawl collar, vestee, deep cuffs an [[cutoff]] organdie bound with the checked gi [[cutoff]] blue and white, black and white. 

Macy's—Third Floor. 34th

[[center right clipping]]

Help Wanted—Male
 [[cutoff]]ANDOLIN, banjo, guitar players wanted [[cutoff]] who can sing. Box 2403, Press. 

Young and strong for candy factory
[[cutoff]]600 Woodland-av

 [[cutoff]]merican Beauty elec- [[cutoff]] other household [[cutoff]] asy payments from  [[cutoff]] weekly. Apply [[cutoff]] DAMS CO. ospect-av [[cutoff]]erienced on closed [[cutoff]] oly Milburn Wagon

 [[cutoff]]IG [[cutoff]]ANDS

 [[cutoff]]NINGS [[cutoff]] E OP- [[cutoff]] THEIR  [[cutoff]] NITY  [[cutoff]] ORK.  [[cutoff]] N A  [[cutoff]] NS 

[[same clipping, rightmost column]]
D [[cutoff]] M [[cutoff]] p [[cutoff]] p [[cutoff]] li [[cutoff]] se [[cutoff]] tr [[cutoff]] m [[cutoff]] y [[cutoff]] y [[cutoff]] G [[cutoff]] T

[[center clipping, possibly the same clipping as the previous, unable to tell for certain due to a clipping placed atop]]

ti [[cutoff]] 

enced [[cutoff]] rred. 
AYS  [[cutoff]] ent, cinde [[cutoff]] Har. 338 [[cutoff]] nd steamion for righ [[cutoff]] o., 1361 E. 5 [[cutoff]] S WANTED. [[cutoff]] O. 

ORY H [[cutoff]] 
weepers [[cutoff]] ow Washe [[cutoff]] aborers [[cutoff]] side work [[cutoff]] ENTRAL-AV
 [[cutoff]] aten press. Artcraft Print- t. Clair

[[same clipping, next column over]]
q [[cutoff]] se [[cutoff]] wh [[cutoff]] lea [[cutoff]] posi [[cutoff]] The K [[cutoff]] Oppos [[cutoff]] 

LAY- [[cutoff]] INSP [[cutoff]] The Baker [[cutoff]] Co. 2180 W.  [[cutoff]] 25th-st.

 [[cutoff]] AYEROUTS, fitters and spacing punch operator The [[??]] Iron Co. Akron, o. 

[[bottom clipping]]
Medina Co. Gazette
[[left column]]
in the [[cutoff]] the officials feel gloomy, and it looked as though the fair would be a failure. Along toward noon, however, the skies cleared and the sun shone, making the day ideal. 
During the races the grand stand was well filled. Wallace's Vocal orchestra, of Cleveland, rendered excellent music, and kept every one in good humor, and during the intermission between the heats the Horizontal aBr Gymnastic Comiques and the noted Pickard brothers gave free acts in front of the grand stand. 
Possibly one of the most thrilling entertainments was the flight of the airship given by one of America's expert aviators, who gave not only difficult but thrilling stunts in the air, landing and giving an opportunity for those who which to pay the fare an opportunity to view Medina from the clouds. SepT-[[1?]]2-191[[9?]]
The ball game was not played until the afternoon, owing to rain. LeRoy vs. Brunswick, resulted in favor of LeRoy. During the game Tom Armatage, of Brunswick, one of the players, got badly spiked. 
The exhibits while not as large as usual, were exceptionally well [[cutoff]] 

[[right column]]
hounds, [[cutoff]] 
"Gyp [[cutoff]] has qui [[cutoff]] have d [[cutoff]] trackin [[cutoff]] two my [[cutoff]] was a  [[cutoff]] took up [[cutoff]]  to a ho [[cutoff]] a room [[cutoff]] This m [[cutoff]] the mu [[cutoff]] Guy Ta [[cutoff]] formerl [[cutoff]] Tully F [[cutoff]] 
NEAR [[cutoff]] What [[cutoff]] accident [[cutoff]] street la [[cutoff]] 6 o'clock [[cutoff]] driving [[cutoff]] Washing [[cutoff]] with a [[cutoff]] it, comi [[cutoff]] denly tu [[cutoff]] ton stre [[cutoff]] bodies n [[cutoff]] same s [[cutoff]] again

Transcription Notes:
not sure about formatting