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[[3 newspaper clippings]]
^[[Wichita Kans. 1920]]
Son of the Air Wizard, Lost, Entertains Police
Buddie Weaver, 30-months-old son of G. E. ("Buck") Weaver, airplane pilot, proved his worth Saturday night.
The diminutive member of the Weaver family has been thru a good many experiences which a great majority of adults never see. Buddie has been up in the air with his father enough to make him yawn whenever a flight is discussed. He has gone out and picked fights with a belligerent rooster in the neighbor's chicken-pen. He has strayed from the family portal. He seldom weeps.
But Saturday night he slipped away from his father downtown, on Kansas' busiest corner. He joined the thousands of sight-seers alone.
Buddie strolled around for some time, finally deciding he wanted popcorn. He walked up to a stand at Lawrence and Douglas, demanded the corn and got it, free. Then a policeman noticed him, saw his unattached condition, and took him to the police station.
Soon afterward father and mother telephoned, and arrived shortly after. Buddie was found in a circle of blue uniforms, distributing popcorn and good cheer. Tears were not among his thoughts, but not so much can be said for his mother.
Buddie's father, who said he was responsible for Buddie's disappearance, was for promising airplane rides to the entire police department, but most of the bluecoats said they'd had enough entertainment from Buddie to pay for any trouble. Now Buddie's father thinks losing one's young son is a better thriller than loops and tail-spins.

^[[1922 Cleveland. O.]]
"Buck" Weaver Will Bring Family to Banquet.
George E. (Buck) Weaver believes in taking his family along with him when he goes for a ride. So when he flies from Marion, O., to Cleveland today for the inaugural banquet at the Aviation and Athletic Club Mrs. Weaver and the baby will occupy the front seat of the plane.
Weaver is scheduled to arrive at the Glenn L. Martin field this afternoon.
The banquet, which is to be held at the Hotel Winton tonight, will mark the formal opening of the organization's new club rooms. The entire mezzanine floor, except the ball room, has been taken over.
Among those who will be present are: Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, premier American ace; Lieut. Col. Harold E. Hartney, Washington, executive secretary of the National Aeronautic Association; Lieut. Col. R. S. Hartz, former commander of Bolling field; Maj. L. B. Lent. Pittsburg, former construction superintendent of the United States aerial mail; Maj. Horace Keane of the New York aerial police; Barney M. Mulvihill, president of the Aero Club of Pittsburg, and Lieut. Jay Johnson of the United States air service.

Y, NOVEMBER 14, 1922
Are Taken by Buck Weaver In Sandusky
The following article is taken from the Sandusky Register:
People of Sandusky, Norwalk, Bellevue, Fremont and Port Clinton:
If, today, or the next day, or the day after that, you see a yellow and orange airplane soaring over your head, smile and look your prettiest! More than likely you will have your picture taken at that very moment.
Buck Weaver, head of the Weaver Air Craft Co. of Medina, O., yesterday flew from Lorain to Sandusky in his Waco plane. With him came his associate, C. J. Brukner. They came here for The Register to take airplane views of Sandusky, the nearby cities and villages and some shots of individual buildings in those places. The pictures are to be reproduced in the handsome rotogravure section which will be a feature of The Register's centennial anniversary edition to be issued some time late this year.
The Waco plane is equipped with a U. S. army graflex camera such as were used by the army observers during the World war. Weaver and Brukner arrived here at 11:30 o'clock Friday morning, landing at the fair grounds.
Aerial photos of Sandusky and other cities near here will be taken at a height of about 2000 feet. The camera, however, is one that can be used in taking photos at a height of 10,000 feet.
Buck Weaver is one of the leading aviators of the country. Just now he is engaged in the manufacture of the Waco plane. This machine is one of three now made in this country, which sells at popular price. It is a swift, strong machine, equipped with a Curtiss 0X5 motor. Weaver's Medina plant is unable to turn the planes out fast enough.
Weaver has been flying since 1915. He was a civilian instructor for the army during the war, having been located in several of aero camps and flying fields. Some of his pupils were among the winning flyers at the recent aero congress at Selfridge Field, Mich.

^[[Medina, Ohio - 1922