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[[Left topmost cutout]]
Seeing Country By Airplane; Stop Over Here
CHARLES DICKINSON, president of the Automobile club of Illinois and his party of three men, literally "dropped in" Evansville yesterday afternoon. 
A 300 horse power plane, piloted by Buck Weaver, and carrying besides Mr. Dickinson, George Rumbold and H. Tierkotter, landed five miles north of Evansville after a non-stop trip from Chicago in three and one-quarter hours.
"Unusual?" No, not in Mr. Dickinson's life for he's been travelling that way for a number of years.
I'm just travelling around seeing the country right now," he [[told]] [[?]] Courier last night.

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[[second cutout from left]]
The Business World To-Day.
Foreign Trade Grows.
Special to The Chicago Daily News.
Copyright 1924. by The Chicago Daily News Co
New York, March 17. - The apparent route of the "bears on the franc" and the recovery of French exchange undoubtedly has promoted a better feeling in business circles concerned with for sign trae. The [[?]] on American [[??????]] psychological since [[?]] France since the [[?]] uncertain of French exchange has been in terms of pounds and dollars. A[[?]] can business men simply followed same course they pursued in the ca[[?]] of Russia, Germany and other countries the currencies of which became subject to wide and sudden fluctuations, and conducted negotiations in dollars. 
There still exists some doubt in financial circles here as to whether the fran[[?]] situation has finally been stabilized. 
The satisfactory state of foreign trade is shown by the fact that in the last 12 months American exports amounted to $4,167,946,000. a gain of $336,000,000 over the trade of 1922. In the same time imports increased $679,000,000 to $3,791,938,000. This export increase is accounted for more by the better demand for manufactured products than for raw materials. The wheat movement, for example, has been small.
Foreign Control of Ten Items.
More satisfaction was expressed in manufacturing circles to-day over the fact that Secretary of Commerce Hoover had found but ten minor commodities the price of which is controlled by foreign influences than over the fact that he advocated legislative measures to enable the American consumers to fight such control. The commodities listed by the secretary as in control of foreign combinations include sisal, nitrates, iodine, potash, rubber, quinine, tin, mercury, coffee and quebracho.
With regard to sisal, twine manufacturers point out that the situation has been more seriously affected by the revolutionary disturbances and the communistic tendencies in Yucatan than by governmental monopoly. No sisal has been offered for export for the last six weeks. 
Can't Capture Rubber Control.
Government investigation undertaken following an urgent demand by Harvey Firestone, tire manufacturer, indicated no immediate possibility of capturing the crube rubber market from the hands of the British and Dutch planters in the orient, but the price of the material now is well below the high points of 1923.
Quebracho for tanning purposes is under foreign control but American tanners now have on hand large stocks of leather which they are striving with every effort to move into distribution with only partial success.


Rewards of One Exploit as Great as Capt. Kidd Ever Realized.
Piracy up to date, certified by the United States and Canadian governments, surely causes the uneasy spirits of Capt. William Kidd and Sir Henry Morgan to gaze with envious longing on the possibilities that lie outside the three-mile limit. 
A pirate craft, though not flying the Jolly Roger, bore down upon a liquor laden ship bound from St. John, New Brunswick, to Bermuda, made her its prize, put the owners' agents in irons, won over the crew and steered for "Rum Row." There they are said to have disposed of 4,300 cases at $30 a case, and with $129,000 in legal tender sailed for parts unknown. Except that there was no bloodshed, the whole incident savors of the days of skull and cross-bones, observes the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.
In spite of all the romantic legends of pirate gold, it is questionable if Kidd or Morgan or any others of the sixteenth and seventeenth century buccaneers and freebooters ever could boast that a single "business venture" had yielded booty that sold for $129,000 in hard cash.

Fair Enough.
Customer- "I want to buy a $200 radio set, but as I don't want to use it for two months I'll give you a two months' note in payment."
Dealer- "Fair enough. Give me the note and since you don't want to use it for two months I'll store it here for you, free of charge, until you want to use it." - Good Hardware.