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Seeing Country By Airplane; Stop Over Here
CHARLES DICKINSON, president of the Automobile club of Illinois and his party of three men, literally "dropped in" Evansville yesterday afternoon. 
A 300 horse power plane, piloted by Buck Weaver, and carrying besides Mr. Dickinson, George Rumbold and H. Tierkotter, landed five miles north of Evansville after a non-stop trip from Chicago in three and one-quarter hours.
"Unusual?" No, not in Mr. Dickinson's life for he's been travelling that way for a number of years.
I'm just travelling around seeing the country right now," he [[told]] [[?]] Courier last night.

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MONDAY, MAY 19, 1924.

President Patterson of Aeronautic Association and Admiral Fullam to Speak.

(Director Annual Aircraft Tournament.)
To-morrow is aviation day in Chicago.
Fred B. Patterson, president of the National Cash Register company and president of the National Aeronautic Association of the United States of America, will be here, and Rear-Admiral William F. Fullam will give several addresses, none of which will include discussion of pending national legislation on aeronautics. 
The advertising post of the American Legion hears the admiral at noon to-day in the Tiger room of the Hotel Sherman. At noon to-morrow he will address the Electric club in the Morrison hotel, and to-morrow night he will talk to members and friends of the local chapter of the National Aeronautic association in the Red room of the Hotel LaSalle, with R. D. Smith presiding. 
Mr. Patterson and Admiral Fullam were instructed not to mention the Winslow bill, which purports to create a bureau of civil aeronautics in the department of commerce. The local chapter, like many chapters over the country, has been torn wide open in controversy over this bill, some alleging it will favor civil aviation, and others in the game vehemently asserting that the Winslow bill will kill commercial aviation and help to legalize an aircraft trust. 

thrown into reverse, forward or backward without reversing the gears. This will enable the ship to ease up to its mooring mast or into its hangar at the desired speed, almost regardless of the wind speed or wind direction outside.
Aside from its uses in carrying people, mail and packet merchandise, the ZR-3 may well be used for scientific research, photography, and the study of topography. It can hover over any spot desired for extensive observation, thus achieving something in the aircraft world long sought. 
If Chicago provides a mooring mast for this air angel of commerce, it will stop here on its maiden voyage across the continent. The Aero club of Illinois has offered the first $100 for the building of that mast at any Chicago location, and offers its field (Ashburn) as a location in case it is acceptable. 

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Dickinson Plans Regular Night Flights.

An air transportation company will begin operation between New York and Chicago on May 1, according to an announcement made yesterday by Charles Dickinson, president of the Aero Club of Illinois and "daddy" of aviation in Chicago. Mr. Dickinson, the oldest pilot in America, the man who staged famous aviation meets in Grant park a decade ago, is to be the head of the new company.
According to the company's present plans all flights between Chicago and New York will be made at night. Planes will depart from the Aero club's field - Ashburn field - shortly after 9 p. m. each night and will arrive on Long Island shortly before 5 o'clock the following morning. The flights will be made without stopping for fuel. 
To Carry Freight First.
Until the safety and reliability of the air line is established, Mr. Dickinson will not permit the carrying of passengers. He will make the first flights, and after the company has been operating several days will take freight loads.
"There has been too much bunk in aviation," said Mr. Dickinson. "That has always been the trouble with our American air lines. Some pilot of financier would start an air line without knowing what he was going up against. Naturally the thing failed. 
"I'll probably spend a great many thousands of dollars this summer in starting this line. I may never make a cent out of it, but I don't care. If I can prove that such a line can be operated from Chicago and thereby put this city on the map as the center of American aviation, I will be satisfied. I have lived 65 years now, and I have been playing with airplanes for fourteen years, and my only wish is to see chicago become the center of American flying."
Best Flyers in U. S.
The planes, the mechanics, and the pilots for the air lines have been chosen, The pilots are the best of American flyers, as are the mechanics Mr. Dickinson says. Also the ship that are to be used have a large safety factor and are similar to the ones the army will use on its flight around the world.

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The Business World To-Day.
Foreign Trade Grows.
Special to The Chicago Daily News.
Copyright. 1924. by The Chicago Daily News Co.
New York, March 17. - The apparent route of the "bears on the franc" and the recovery of French exchange undoubtedly has promoted a better feeling in business circles concerned with foreign [[?]] trade. The effect on America [[entire line missing]] psychological, since [[half a line missing]] France since the recent uncertain [[missing word]] of French exchange has been [[missing word]] in terms of pounds and dollars [[?]].

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orated and refurnished, and has also provided new furniture for the camp dining hall and built a sleeping porch on one of the cottages, Middle Bear. The camp season will open at Forest Beach on June 28. Camp is open to any self-supporting girl, whether or not she is a member of the Y. W. C. A. Registrations are being received at Central branch. 59 East Monroe street.

Lawyer, Active in Public Affairs, Was 76 Years Old.
Robert S. Iles, counsel for the city's high cost of living committee under Mayor Thompson, and former president of the Hamilton club, died yesterday at his home, 5416 Cornell avenue. He was 76 years old.
Mr. Iles was born in Alexandria, Ky., in 1848. He became a school teacher after the close of the civil war and spent his spare time in studying law. Shortly before coming to Chicago in 1882, he was admitted to the bar in Kansas. In 1890 he became Cook county attorney and served as county central committeeman from 1892 to 1896.
Funeral arrangements are not yet complete.