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George Weaver, Lorian aviator, injured while testing a new aeroplane Friday, is in a serious con-dition at St. Joseph's hospital. Be-sides a broken nose Weaver's face is badly lacerated, and his eyes bruised and cut. 

The accident in which Weaver was injured occurred while testing the "Cootie". The test was made under adverse circumstances. A heavy fog hung over the field. Weaver realized that to ascend would be dangerous but being anxious to test the plane decided to take the risk. 
Weaver has taken the small craft into the air and had successfully demonstrated that the 'Cootie" was practical. In making a landing, however, Weaver could not see through the fog and was forced to land by guess work. He miscalcu-lated the distance and as a result piled the little craft into a ditch, where it overturned, throwing Wea-ver several feet against an embank-ment Weaver was taken to St. Joseph's hospital where his wounds were dressed. Since then he has been suffering hemorrhags of the nose which had not stopped this morning. 

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Hold First Airplane Funeral here for Pilot Weaver [Title]

Chicago's first airplane funeral will be accorded this afternoon to George E. Weaver. 29 years old,. for twelve years one "of the most fearless pilots connected with the Illinois Aero Club," according to Charles Dickinson, president. 

While the funeral is being con-ducted at the Weaver home in La Grange, Ill., a squadron of seven planes will circle over the place. They will follow the funeral train to Oakwood Cemetery, where cremation will take place. Among the pilots honoring their dead comrade will be Major R. W. record, and Emil Laird, a pal of Mr. Weaver. 

A widow Hattie Weaver, and a young son, George Jr., survive. Mr. Weaver was known as a designer and builder of planes as well as a pilot. 

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Mr. and Mrs. George (Buck) Weaver of Calendar avenue, were guests Thursday, February 21, of Charles Dickinson, President of the Aero Club of Illinois, at a [[?]] "old time" aviators at the Auditorium Hotel in honor Miss Catherine Stinson. Miss Stinson was the first girl to fly and one of the first persons to fly, having built her own plane and flown very soon, if not nearly contemporaneous to the Wright brothers of Dayton. Miss Stinson is still a very petite young lady of admirable character and very dear to even her slightest acquaintances. She is one of the few whom fame left unharmed and were it not for the little lady aviation would not have progressed to the point it had when we entered the world war.

Buck Weaver is a contemporary of Miss Stinson's, having received valuable encouragement from her daring ability. The dinner was a great success, though it emphasized the number of old time pre-war flyers "gone west." Buck drew a picture of Kathrine in her old "tractor" with the recent addition of smoke writing proclaiming her name which is historic fame. Miss Stinson left for Dayton, Ohio, next morning much to everyone's regret to visit her nationally known brother, "Eddie" Stinson and then back to Santa Fe, New Mexico, her present home. 

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George ("Buck") Weaver, an aviator since 1910, died yesterday at his home in La Grange. Weaver had flown more than 1,000,000 miles, his friends estimated, without a serious accident. Arrangements are being made by Charles Dickinson, president of the Aero club of Illinois, to have a squadron of airplanes hover over the house tomorrow during the funeral services and fly with the cortege to the cemetery. 

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This cool weather is [[?]] candy weather, so try Bultos special assorted chocolates at 55 cents per pound.


Mrs. George Weaver, 135 Calendar avenue, was a guest at the banquet given the honor of the "round the world flyers at the Drake Hotel Monday evening. Mrs. Weaver is the widow of the late "Buck" Weaver, one of the pioneers of the aviation field and in memory of her husband's work for aviation she was invited to this historic event. 

Weaver was one of the instructors of the flyers and knew them well. Katherine Stinson, famous woman flyer who is now a sanitarian in New Mexico most of the time, came up for the banquet, and Matty Laird another chum of Weaver and a famous flyer was on hand. Of the twenty-nine flyers of the "Old days" only Mr. Laird and miss Stinson are left. They expect to visit Mrs. Weaver here this week-end. 

The famous army flyers who have circled the globe were presented with gold "globes" by Mr. Dickinson, President of the Aero Society at the dinner. The aviators told modestly of their trip and of different hazards they encountered which was especially interesting to those with a knowledge of aviation. 

Take your clothes for cleaning pressing and repairing to O. Palmer, 30 South Fifth avenue. Phone 405. tf


Miss Olive Cline has returned after having spent two [[? Rest is removed]]

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GEORGE ("Buck") WEAVER, and aviator, died of heart disease yesterday at his home in La Grange. A flyer since 1910, his friends estimated he had flown 1,000,000 miles, but never had been in a serious accident. He left a widow and one son, George Weaver Jr. Funeral Thursday from home in La Grange. Charles Dickinson, president of the Aero club of Illinois, said a squadron of airplanes will hover over the home during the services and will fly to the cemetary.