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Many Improvements Made Over 1986 Models-Waco Goes Through Hard Government Test

The Advance Aircraft company is announcing a new DeLuxe Model 10 Waco plane to be placed upon the market this spring. 

In telling of the features in the new plane C.J. Brukner, manager of the company, stressed the changes made in the plane to add to its beauty and the comfort of its passengers. He declared that the industry has reached a point now where the purchasers are seeking beauty and comfort as well as reliability. 

It was emphasized by Mr. Brunker that there is no change in the basic principles underlying the construction of the Waco planes but that the changes made in the DeLuxe model are to add to the safety of operation and to increase the attractiveness of the plane.    

One of the biggest changes in the new plane over the Model Nine is in the landing gear. Oil shock absorbers have been installed which take up the shock of the landing and prevent the bumping of the plane. Mr. Brunker states that this feature is entirely new in the manufacture of airplanes.

The cowling of the new plane is stamped instead of handmade as heretofore, making a much neater looking job. The cockpits have been enlarged and the one side cut down so that passengers can enter the plane as easily as an automobile. 

A number of features have been added to control mechanism of the DeLuxe model which ass greatly to the margin of saftey in flying the Waco, already one of the safest ships on the market, Mr. Brunker stated. 

The circular sent to the trade announcing the new plane also gives the results of recent government test undergone by the Troy-built planes. 

A Waco ship stood every test required by the government and sustained a factor of safety of nine in the test of ability of the plane to withstand abusive stunting, when the government requirement is but 6.5.

Mr. Brunker stated that the model plane built last year will continue to be manufactured although he anticipates that the new model will make up the bulk of the business done this year.

He also stated that the Advance company expects to get into production upon the new plane within three weeks.   

The outlook for business this season, Mr. Brunker stated, is even better than it was last year when the company built and delivered more than 175 planes. This record is expected to be exceeded this year as many of the dealers have already booked a number of orders. 


Waco Concern Displaying New Model --Coolidge To Welcome Army Flyers

The Advance Aircraft company has one of its new model Waco planes on exhibition at the aircraft show which opened in Washington D.C Monday.

The plane was flown to Washington from the local field last Saturday by Charles Meyers of the factory who will have charge of the plane during the exposition which extends throughout the week.

The show is in honor of air delegates to the first Inter-American Commercial conference and the fifteenth annual meeting of the U.S. chamber of commerce. 

Seventy manufacturers of all types of aeronautical equipment will participate in the show which will commemorate the first anniversary of America's airway system. No show has been held for a number of years, and in the meantime there has been established the national airway system, commercial and private planes of all types have been developed, new engines have been marketed and new air navigation aids have come into being.  

Invitations to the exposition have been delivered to the governors ans mayors of nearby states and cities by army and navy airplanes. 

In connection with the opening of the show yesterday, President Coolidge will welcome the army fliers who made the flight around South America.


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