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"Charlie" Meyers and his
Waco and New Hupp Eight

"Charlie" Is Accustomed to the Best
Testing and Flying WACO Ships has made him con-
scious that nothing but the best will do. That's why he's driving a Hupp.

Accustomed as "Charlie"" is to the superior per-formance, safety and comfort of his WACO ships over any in the field, experiencing the quick take-off, the unexcelled climbing ability, the un-usual top speed, the extreme comfort and flexibil-ity of his ships many time a day, it was only nat-ural that he should look for those same qualities in the ear that he purchased for his own use on the ground. 

The very things that he looks for and expects in the "WACO" are the things that he found in the Hupmobile Eight, adapted of course to ground use.
The ease of performance, the quick pick-up, the unusual top speed attained without effort, the easy riding, unusual seating comfort and interior trim together with the Hupp record of longest perform-ance without trouble are features that are yours in the most distinguished line of straight line eights and the NEW line of sixes which we will gladly demonstrate. Feel for yourself the thrill that you get from them - the thrill that you get from flying - the thrill that "Charlie" feels so nearly resem-bles that of his WACO ships.

133 S. Market Street    Phone 1141

I believe that the Humpmobile is the best car of its class in the world - just as the WACO is acknowl-edged the best ship of its class.

need as much if not more courage than a pilot. What a scramble as the horses dashed away from the post. I should have been scared on one of those horses. Give me the loneliness of the Atlantic. 

, seeking the best landing place, the while issuing instructions to Carisi. The latter was dropping sand bags to lighten the load of the plane. Chamberlin wanted weight on the tail to keep from nosing down in landing, so Eloyse who was in front with Chamberlin was moved to the rear with Carisi. All the time, the girls were unaware of their danger. The pilots chatted with them and Chamberlin remarked with a laugh [[?]] they might be bumped a little in [[?]], so to hold on tight. (Continued on Page Three). 

Miss Dickinson to 6/3/27 Wing Way South

Becuase she's in a hurry to get warm, Dr. Frances Dickinson, 71-year-old sister of President Charles Dickinson of the Aero CLub of Illinois, will start for her home in Daytona, Fla., this morning by airplane. Miss Dickinson. by her frequent aerial jaunts, has come to be known as the "modern Mother Goose." 


Dayton, June 14-Sheriff Fred S. Wolf today was notified by St. Paul police to be on the lookout at Dayton flying fields for a Waco OX-5 plane, manufactured at Troy, Ohio, and which was stolen from the Wold-Chamberlain airport at Minneapolis. A flying deputy may be designated by the sheriff, The ship is the property of the Aircraft service, St. Paul.

The biggest bargain in Troy_Daily News Want Advs.