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[Upside Down Top Clipping]
 creators Come These Marvelous New Winter COATS $25 to $59.50
The marriage took place June 2, in Covington, KY., with Rev. N.H. Carlisle officiating. The bride graduated from Elizabeth high school with the 1927 class. The young couple will make their home with the bride's parents for the present./
Return To Troy Home / Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lindley returned Saturday evening to their home 217 West Simpson street, after having been residing the last six months on the place of the latter's father, the late W.A. Livingston, near the Burkholder mill, east of Troy. The Livingston property, including four and three sevenths acres and a dwelling house, was sold Saturday to Peter McDowell./ Fist Christian Class Eight/ Class Eight of the First Christian/ to meet

To Make [[?]] Flight
Washington, June 17. . - ([[?]] - The army is about to seek new [[?]] laurels. A non-stop flight from the Pacific coast to Hawaii will be undertaken as soon as weather permits.

The flight will be in charge of Lieut. Lester Maitland of Milwaukee, who willprobably have as his passenger, A.F. Hegenberger. They are now enroute to the Pacific Coast in a big Fokker plane.
Will Rogers Says Today:
Beverly Hills, Cal., June 17. -
Here is where the joke writers and everybody get even with me. When the doctors found it was not appendicitis, knowing me personally, they said it must be gall or cholelithiasis, so I am in the California hospital wheer [where] they are going to relieve me of surplus gall, I am thrilled to death. Never had I am thrilled to death. Never had an operation, so let the stones fall where they may. 
(Copyright, 1927, McNaught Syndicate)


Fleet of Seven Arrives in Columbus From Louisville After Trip Through Heavy Rainstorm

Seven Waco planes made the first trip Thursday over the new passenger and express air route between Louisville and Cleveland established by the Embry-Riddle company of Cincinnati. 

The planes arrived in Columbus at 9:08 Thursday morning after making the trip from Louisville through a heavy rainstorm. They left Louisville at 5:40 a. m. and in Dayton at 8:05 a. m.

After a short stop at Columbus the planes departed on the last leg of their journey to Cleveland.

The planes will make the trip daily carrying passengers and express. This is said to be the first airline in the country of its kind. 

None of the officers of the Advance Aircraft company accompanied the planes on their first trip although a new Model 10 plane was flown to Cincinnati early Thursday morning which is to be used in the service replacing one of the older ships.

Wacos Hop Off For Detroit Where The Start Will Be Made Monday - Long Trip Included

[Left Margin] 6-23-27

One Waco plane took off Wednesday evening and two early Thursday morning from the Municipal airport for Detroit to take part in the For Reliability tour which starts Monday.

All planes entered in the tour must be in Detroit Thursday.

The three Wacos leaving from here are equipped with the Wright whirlwind motor which was used by Col. Charles Lindbergh on his Paris flight.

The planes are being piloted by John Wood, Paul Riddle and Charles Meyers. The latter is the official test pilot for the Advance Aircraft company. The other two men are distributors of Waco planes. 

The tour starts from Detroit Monday and the planes that survive will return there on July 12. The tour includes practically all of the eastern states going by way of Buffalo, New York and Boston and returning by way of Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburgh. The planes will then fly to Cleveland and Kalamazoo, Mich., and back track to Dayton and Cincinnati.They will then go as far south as Memphis, Tenn., and return to. Detroit through Missouri, Illinois and Indiana.

[[ Underneath the previous clipping]] 

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need as much id not more courage than a pilot. what a scramble as the horses dashed away from the post. I should have been scared on one of those horses. Give me the loneliness of the Atlantic.

Miss Dickinson to Wing Way South
[Right Margin] 6/3/27

Because she's in a hurry to get warm, Dr. Frances Dickinson, 71-year-old sister of President Charles Dickinson of the Aero Club of Illinois, will start for her home in Daytona, Fla., this morning by airplane. Miss Dickinson. by her frequent aerial jaunts, has come to be known as the "modern Mother Goose."


[Notes] A [Wonderful?] Story [/Notes]

Ship Which Set Record Brought To Safe Landing With Broken Landing Gear

(By United Press)

New York, April 25 - Clarence D. Chamberlin, joint holder of the world endurance flight record, held another endurance record today and two little girls owed their lives to his skill as a pilot. 

Chamberlin, with death reading a hand for the controls of his plane, came down from the clouds on a broken landing gear yesterday after an hour in the air, during which men and women spectators clenched their hands and prayed for the safety of him and the three passengers in his charge. 

The incident occurred at Mitchell Field, L. I., where Chamberlin had gone up in the Bellanca monoplane in which he and Bert Acosta recently broken the endurance record. The plane had just been christened preliminary to its attempted flight, from New York to Paris, and Chamberlin took up the young sponsor Eloyse Levine, 9, who broken a bottle of ginger-ale over the bow, naming the plane "Columbia." With them were Grace Jonas, 15, and John Carisi, factory superintendent for G. M. Bellanca, designer of the plane.

Just as the plane left the ground airmen on the field saw the landing gear had been bumped in taking off, a strut was broken and the left wheel bent in. Airmen knew what it meant and were horrified. To the laymen and parents of the two girls who were watching, it meant nothing.

Mrs. Levine was smiling happly [happily] thinking of the pleasure her little girl was getting out of the air ride.

Quietly, Gene Smith another pilot jumped into a plane and men frantically swung at the propeller to get him off. Other men had ripped a wheel from a truck. Taking the wheel, Smith chased after the Belanca. As the two came together, Smith leaned from the seat, thrust out the wheel of the truck and gestured frantically downward, telling Chamberlin in pantomine [pantomime] what what wrong. Another pilot had taken off and, he too, gestured to Chamberlin to make sure he understood and the pilot of the Bellanca nodded gravely.

Slowly the Bellanca circled over the field and for nearly an hour the strange drama was enacted - an ambulance raced to the scene - trucks with men aboard trying to follow the course of the plane to be at the landing spot and in the air the Bellanca and its two escorts circles steadily around, the one unable to land without fire peril and the other two helpless to aid.

In the Bellanca Chamberlin's mind was working busily. He was flying low, seeking the best landing place, the while issuing instructions to Carisi. The latter was dropping sand bags to lighten the load of the plane. Chamberlin wanted weight on the tail to keep from nosing down in landing, so Eloyse who was in front with Chamberlin moved to the rear with Carisi. All the time, the girls were unaware of their danger. The [?] pilots chatted with them and Chamberlin remarked with a laugh [?] they might be bumped a little in [landing?], so to hold on tight. 
(Continued on Page Three)
Waco Plane Is Stolen From St. Paul Airport
DAYTON, June 14 - Sheriff Fred S. Wolf today was notified by St. Paul police to be on the lookout at Dayton flying fields for a Waco OX-5 plane, manufactured at Troy, Ohio, and which was stolen from the Wold-Chamberlain airport at Minneapolis. A flying deputy may be designated by the sheriff, The ship is property of the Aircraft service, St. Paul. 
The biggest bargain in Troy - Daily News Wants Advs.

Transcription Notes:
I'm unsure how to transcribe the newspaper clipping pasted underneath "Three Troy Airplanes...", so I've left it out for now. Also, should I transcribe the upside down clippings sitting at the top of the page? I've left those out for now. I completed the top portion and the underneath clipping but unsure if I marked their location correctly