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Creators Come These Marvelous
New Winter Coats
$25 to $59.50
The marriagetook place June 2. Congington, KY., with Rev. N.H. Carlisle officicating. The bride graduated from Elizabeth high school with the 1927 class. The young couple will make their home with the bride's parents for th [[the]] present.

Return to Troy Home
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lindley returned Saturday evening to their how 217 West Simpson Stree, after having been residing the last six months on the place of the latter's father, the late W.A. Livingston, near the Burkholden mill, east of Troy. The Livingston property including four and three-sevenths acres and a dwelling house, was sold Saturday to Pete McDowell.

First Christian Class Eight

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is unable to take nourishment - case reported to officers

Denver, Colo. April 25 - (United Press) - Desperate efforts were being made today to save the life of Miss irene Gimbel, 26, a student at the Colorado Chiropractic university, who is in a state of coma here after having fasted for 63 days. 
Efforts to save the girl nourishment since the fifty-ninth day, when it is said she first became unconscious, have been futile.
Neal Bishop, a recent graduate of the school, has been a constant attendance upon Miss Gimbel for 11 days. She is said to have entered the fast after Bishop had undergone a similar fast and reported satisfactory results.

(continued from page One)
"Before that Gray had bought the

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[[drawing of a woman's leg]]

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To Mak [[make]] Flight
Washington, June 15 -[[?]]- The army. is about t oseek new flying laurels. A non-stop flight from the pacific coast to Hawaii will be undertaken as soon as weather permits. 
The flight will be in charge of Lieut. Lester Maitland of Miwaukee, who will probably have as his passenger, A.F. Hengenberger. They are now enroute to the Pacific Coast in a big Fokker plane

Will Rogers Says Today
Beverly Hills, Cal. June
Here is where the joke write
everybody get even with
When the doctors found not appendicitis, knowing 
seasonally, they said it mast or cholelithiasis, so I am 
California hospital wheer [[where]]
going to relieve me or surp
I am thrilled to death. Ne
I am thrilled to death. Ne
an operation, so let the 
fall where they mau
(Copyright, 1927, McNaugh

[[new page]]
Fleet of Seven Arrives in Columbus From Louisville after Trip Through Heavy Rainstorm 
Seven Waco planes made the first trip Thursday over the new passenger and cypress air rout between Luis-

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our own service, our own 
leaning. And returned to 
by Parcel Post or Express

ship, or, if more conven-
bby mail, insured
work rendered in October


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Tuesday Night 6:30
Leatrice Joy
"The Wedding Song"
and Fox News
All seats 10c

American liner Mongolia sinks U-boat with one shot.
British admiralty announces 55 ships were sunk by U-boats during the week ending April 22, the greatest number sunk in one week since the unrestricted campaign commenced. 

The "best in town" is our motto. We really clean your car in, out and under. We have the system you have the car. Let us wash it for you. Purol Service Station, S Market St., phone Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.

(Continued from Page One)
Chamberlin was afraid to land on Curtis field. He started to swing over Roosevelt field, but there was a crowd there and those on the ground thought Mitchell would be safer. So a third plane went up with "Mitchell" chalked in big letters on the side. Chamberlin understood and headed for there, the ambulance and mechanics taking their station below. 
Carisi, in the rear of the plane, caught Eloyse in his ares and held her to her body, trying to shield her from harm. Chamberlin couldn't do the same for Grace, but he gave her his seat pad and told her to hold it against her head. Chamberlin, one of the most experienced pilots in the business, came down with a precision that stirred the experts on the ground to throaty cries of exultation. The

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What Is Courage?
London, Jun 1 (A.P.) - "Well, did you have a little flutter, Captain?" and English reporter asked Captain Charles A. Lindbergh when he returned to London after the Derby.
"A flutter?" the American aviater repeated, with puckered brow. 
"That means did you have a bet," somebody explained.
"Oh, I though [[thought]] it was something to do with the heart," he laughed. 
"No, I didn't even try to back the winner. though many people gave me the inside information- and most of it would have been wrong. But I must remember that about the flutter. We have strange terms in aronautics, but racing seems to have it beaten."
"So you still prefer to be an airman, rather than a jockey," he was asked. 
"I couldn't sand much chance against those wonderful little men," said Lindy. "I think they need as much if not more courage than a pilot. What a scramble as the horses dashed away from the post. I should have been scared on one of those horses. Give me the loneliness of the Atlantic.

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Miss Dickinson to Wing Way South 6/3/27
Because she's in a hurry to get warm, Dr. Frances Dickinson, 71-year-old sister of President Charles Dickinson of the Aero Club of Illinois,  will start for her home in Daytona, Fla. this morning by airplane. Mss Dickinson by her frequent aerial jaunts, has come to be known as the "modern Mother Goose."

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DAYTON, June 14 - Sheriff Fred S Wolf today was notified by St. Paul police to be on the lookout at Dayton flying fields for a Waco OX-5 plane, manufactured at Troy, Ohio, and which was stolen from the Wold-Chamberlain airport at Minneapolis. A flying deputy may be designated by the sheriff. The ship is the property of the Aircraft service, St. Paul. 

The biggest bargain in Troy-Daily News Want Advs.