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All Troy-Built Ships Amo
Upon Arrival at Dayt
Miles Covered so
[[heading]] NORTON FIELD, COL
July 5 - Thirteen airplanes
reliability tour arrived here
ing from Dayton. They
late today for Cincinnati.
John Wood, piloting a W [[?]]
nability [[inability]] tour having a per[[?]]
date, according to informa [[information]]
Dayton Monday where the 
the contest arrived for a 

The planes left Detroit
and Wood has recorded a [[?]]
taken the planes to the A [[?]]
board and return. If he c [[?]]
this pace throughout the [[?]]
have accomplished an un [[?]]
Charles Meyers, test pilo [[pilot]]
vance Aircraft company, [[?]]
to reach Dayton from
Mich, He negotiated the [[?]]
one hour and 38 minutes [[?]]
speed of over 100 miles pe [[per hour.]]

A large number of Troj [[?]]
Dayton Monday afternoon [[?]]
planes arrive. Practicall [[Practically]]
force of the Advance Airc [[Aircrafts]]
made the trip.

Officials of the company
day that all of the four
in the tour are holding [[?]]
the strain and all are w [[?]]
the leaders.

The planes hopped off
Cincinnati, the next sto [[stop]]
will take in several states
and west before the pla [[plan]]
Detroit on July 12, the
Upon their arrival at
planes had completed a 
mileage of 1,728 miles. Th [[The]]
from Detroit and include
ing cities in the order na
Geneva, Schenectady,
York, Philadelphia, Ba
burgh, Cleveland, Kalam

After the arrival of th [[the]]
crowd was released and the
to inspect the many plane [[planes]]
attention, the one piloted by
the tri-motor planes were
by the largest groups.

Each of the pilots was in [[?]]
Orville Wright upon their
the field by Ray Collins, ref [[?]]
flight. Promptly upon lan [[lane]]
planes a corps of mechanic
to the oil and gasoline su [[su?]]
gave the motors thorough [[?]]

A dinner was given in h [[h?]]
personnel of the flight. Mo [[?]]
at the Miami hotel and mo [[mo?]]
persons were in attendanc [[attendance]]
F. Kettering acted as toastm [[toastmaster]]
dinner. Mayor A. C. McDo [[McDo?]]
ally welcomed thre flyers [[?]]

Speeches were made by
A. Deeds and Congressma [[Congressman]]
Fitzgerald in keeping with s [[s?]]
ative to aviation, particular [[particularly]]
mecial aviation.

The purpose of the tour 
confidence by the public for
aviation. The flyers attemp [[attempt]]
state the safety and depen [[depend on]]
their planes in their exhibition before
the public in the various cities which
they visit.

[[top center clipping]]

[[Heading]] Lindbergh's Mil [[Miles]]
His H [[?]]
Colonel Charles A.
traveled about 40,000 mile [[miles]]
their arrival in St. Louis
represents in part, the [[?]]
Panama, January 9, and [[?]]
not listed:

[[third clipping along top row]]

[[?]] though we had a wad [[?]]
That we had won on Tu [[Tuesday]]

[[?]] when we woke at six [[o'clock]]
nd [[and]] tried to find the dou [[dou?]]
erything [[everything]] that we could
Was just the bills we owe [[owed]]
nd [[and]] just to think, our
mity building project ju [[just]]
abandoned for the pre
were about ready to star [[start]]

[[fourth clipping along top row]]
Attend Dinner for Airmen
 [[cutoff]] rs, E.J. Junkin and Mrs. Charles [[cutoff]] wers went to Dayton Monday to  [[cutoff]] t the pilots of the airplanes com [[cutoff]] ng in the third annual National  [[cutoff]] ability air tour. They experienced [[cutoff]] ndescribable thrill when Mr. Mey- [[cutoff]] in Waco No. 10, accompanied by [[cutoff]] mascot, "Whirlwind Jimmy," was [[cutoff]] first of the flyers to land. 
 [[cutoff]] rs. Junkin and Mrs. Meyers were

[[center clipping]] near here, having flown
Ottawa, where he attended
ilee celebration.
el [[Colonel]] Lindbergh chose Tete-
irport [[airport]] because he said the
whirlwind motor of his
had been in operation 90
hour and he wished to have
hauled at the factory.
flight from Ottatwa was
in three hours and ten min- [[minutes]]
actual flying time, although
lane [[plane]] was in the air three [[hours]]
and 50 minutes. After tak-
f [[taking off]], Colonel Lindbergh circled
Ottawa for 40 minutes before
ag for New York.
[[Heading]] CROWD IN ON HAND.
re [[There]]was a holiday crowd on
eld when the Spirit of St.
circled down to a landing.
famous plane and its pilot
recognized instantly and
d with enthusiastic cheers.
er seeing his plane safely 
d in a hangar, Lindbergh left
eld by motor for New York,
panied [[accompanied]] by H. H. Bruno, one
s personal representatives. He
driven immediately to the 
of friends, but the location
retreat was not given out.
onel [[Colonel]] Lindbergh said, before
g the field, that he had en-
his sojourn in the Canadian
and had encountered per-
flying weather for his return.
[[?]] flier plans to pass at least
weeks in New York, during
[[?]] time he will devote his at-
[[attention]] to preparation for his
coming book. He also will at- [[at?]]
to a number of matters in
ection [[?ection]] with his plans for the
(By The Associated Press)
TAWA, [[OTTAWA]] Ont., July 4. -Colonel
les [[?les]] A. Lindbergh, ending his
to Ottawa, where he [[?]]
introduced Commander Byrd, announcing
that he and other speakers
would send messages to the
American people by wireless.
"While Ii have to receive this
wonderful reception from you tonight,"
said Commander Byrd, "I
have known that Ii have not deserved
it alone. I stand here in the 
name of my three shipmates,
Acosta, Noville and Balchen, for if
Ii deserve your applause, they deserve
it more than I.
[[Heading in bold]] OBSERVES HIGH REGARD.
"I want to say to America that if 
any American has doubt of 
France's high regard, let him or 
her make a non-stop flight from 
America to France. I believe it is 
not so much the flyer that the 
great people of France acclaim with
their extremely generous, wholehearted 
enthusiasm-it is the flag 
those flyers carry, the emblem of 
"If you could hear 'Vive L'Amerique,' 
as I have heard it since my 
arrival, I think you would know 
that there are still millions of 
Frenchmen like Lafayette left in 
"Although we though that 
Colonel Lindbergh's flight ahead of 
ours would detract from the enthusiasm 
of our reception, we are 
glad he got here first. There was 
in his exploit an unusual combination 
of circumstances which created
enormous interest."
Commander Byrd alluded to the 
messages form France delivered by 
Lindbergh to President Coolidge, 
and said that he had brought back 
affectionate greetings from America 
to France.
[[Heading in bold]] CHAMBERLIN APPLAUDED.
Clarence Chamberlin, when he 
arose, was applauded almost as 
much as Commander Byrd. In a 
modest and hesitating manner he 
began: You may not believe it, 
but for me to give a short speech [[?]]
to fly [[?]]
[[?]], 9 years old, Oper [[?]] [[Muller]], 14 
years old; Bertha Wilkinson, 20 
years old; Beatrice Wilkinson, 25 
years old; Thurmill Bowen, 4 years 
old, and Winnie Bowen, 30 years 
old, all of Royal street, Dayton, and 
Rose Peaks, 29 years old, Xenia 
avenue, Dayton.
the truck carried persons on their 
way to see a ball game here. When 
on a hill, something broke in the 
mechanism and Bowen was unable 
to stop the truck. It coasted for 
a distance of over a mile, gaining 
speed as it went.
At a bend in the highway, the 
truck had gained such speed that 
Bowen was unable to prevent its 
collision with an auto driven by 
Morris Eppstein, 518 Suthim avenue.
Both machines were upset, but 
Eppstein and his wife escaped without 
injury, although his auto was 
damaged badly.
[[Heading in bold and capitals]]TWO ARE KILLED, ONE INJURED, AS AIPLANE FALLS
[[Subheading]] Two Passenger Die and Pilot May Lose Life-Craft Following River Speed Boat.
(By The Associated Press)
CINCINNATI, O., July 4.-Two 
men were killed and another injured 
when an airplane which was 
following a racing hydroplane on 
the Ohio river at Laughery island, 
near Aurora, Ind., crashed to the [[?]] 

[[Heading in bold capitals]] [[?]] MOTOR VEHICLE
[[Subheading]] Victim Said to Have Brother Residing in Dayton-Accident Near Richmond.
(Special to The Dayton Journal.)
RICHMOND, Ind., July 4.-Bernard 
Bess and his wife, Anna, of 
Indianapolis, Ind., were killed at 
the Pennsylvania railroad crossing 
on the National road east of here 
this afternoon when a southbound 
Pennsylvania passenger train demolished 
the automobile in which 
they were riding.

There were no witnesses to the 
crash with the exception of the 
engineer. County officials who visited 
the scene of the crash and investigated 
said Bess was traveling 
eastward. He and his wife were 
the only occupants of the machine. 

A bank book and another pass 
book in Bess' pockets gave his address 
as 514 West Michigan avenue 
while the address on his automobile 
license papers was 527 Bowman street.

The automobile was wrecked and 
the occupants so badly mangled 
that the ages of the man and 
woman could not be determined. 

Bess is said to have a brother 
living in Dayton, Ohio, but his 
first name or address could not 
be learned tonight.

[[Heading in bold]] Why Treat Corns Three Days?
lahassee from Chattanooga, Tenn.,
this afternoon, in his plane, the 
New York II. He plans to take-off 
for Macon, Ga., tomorrow.

[[Advertisement]] Today's Special Lunch
Veal Loaf
Creamed Corn
Mashed Potatoes
Brad and Butter
Coffee, Iced Tea of Milk 
Gallaher's Grill
Second Floor, 15 S. Main

[[Picture]] Straight and to the point