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1000 ROOMS 1000 BATHS

[[postal stamp]]
12 AM
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RATE: Ten cents per half ounce 
between two points in the U.S.

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[[caption]] CHARLES MYERS
Troy's premier air pilot achieved fame Wednesday when he won the trans-continental race from New York to Spokane. He was officially awarded the $5,000 prize given for the winner. While achieving fame for himself Myers also demonstrated the ability of the standard Waco plane to outstrip its competitors in the commercial field. 

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Detroiters to Span Two Oceans and Three Continents in 15 Days, Plan. 

   E.F. Schlee, president of the Wayco Air Service, Inc., and Billie Brock, chief pilot of the company, both of Detroit, will attempt a round-the-world airplane flight to smash the present record of 28 days, it was known yesterday with announcement of plans by Schlee. 
   Brock has expressed the belief that the tour can be accomplished in 15 days. According to the present plans of the pair they will hop off from Selfridge Field on August 15 in the "Miss Wayeo," a Stinson-Detroiter airplane powered by a single Wright Whirlwind motor. 
            Cross Two Oceans. 
   The longest flight according to the itinerary will be from Honolulu to San Francisco, a distance of 2,400 miles. The route laid out for the flight will take them from Detroit to Harbor Grace. Newfoundland, then across the Atlantic ocean to London, Berlin, Moscow, Krasno, Ufinsk, Kurgan, Omsk, Kansk, Irkutsk, Chita, Harbin, Vladevostock, and Tokio. From Tokio the flight across the Pacific ocean, will be broken with stops at Midway Islands and Hawaii. From the California city they will follow the airmail route back to Detroit. Brock will pilot the plane.
   Because of the lack of fuel supply at some of the Russian and Siberian points the Wayco company has arranged for the pre-shipments of petrol for the fliers. A spare motor has been shipped to Tokio already but no accessories will be carried by the plane. 
   Experts have been sent to Harbor grace, Newfoundland, to prepare the field there. Brock explains that because of the extraordinarily heavy load necessitated by the type of flight the field there will have to be lengthened to accommodate the plane. 
            Present Record 28 Days. 
   The present round-the-world tour record of 28 days was set last year by E. S. Evans an Linton Wells. 
   The "Miss Wayco" is a standard plane and little special equipment will be carried, Brock said, with the exception of a collapsable boat and special gasoline tanks permitting a fluid cargo of 380 gallons. The plane is at present being prepared by the Stinson people, although test flights already have been made. 
Disappeared With Camera and Tripod, Claim. 

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Transcription Notes:
Tokyo spelled Tokio collapsible spelled collapsable