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TWENTY-THREE PLANES IN RELIABILITY TOUR REACH ST. PAUL. John P. Wood, Wausau, Wis., flying entry No. 18, a whirlwind Waco, who is far in the lead in points and appears probable winner of $4,500 prize and Edsel Ford trophy.
[[/left margin]]

[[right margin]]

[upside down text]
atest teacher, in order to get prac-
se of gardening, call on an old
has learned from this teacher, start
rite topic, the garden, and get him
failures. No amount of reading in
ll bring more or better information
tual experience of these gardeners.
an, is one of them. Mr. Wells' con-
tion and to give others the benefit
n Page 10)

Time to Sow

[right margin newspaper clipping]
e to Get
in Study
oston meeting.
the fund are Col.
ndberg, F. Trubee
int Secretary of War
Aeronautics W. F.
ichaelson, Robert A.
W. Morrow, Amer-
r to Mexico, Elihu
D. Ryan and Orville
or more cities, in 
York, whose school superintendents have given approval to the plan are Chicago, Boston, Albany, Syracuse, San Francisco, Hartford, Washington, Philadelphia, Jersey City, Paterson, N.J.: Buffalo, Rochester, Camden, N.J., an[d] Montclair, N.J.

[bottom clipping]
tion in the past year, and in particular the transatlantic flight of Charles A. Lindbergh, have "effectively dramatized the use of the airplane for the American boy and girl," and continues that "there is a need to establish this interest upon a basis of accurate information."
H. Alan Sullivan, of the Guggenheim fund, said the plan for teaching would be formulated in the next few weeks and be submitted to the annual conference of school superintendents at Boston on February 24. About 15,000 school superintendents and heads of schools are expected

Airway Lights Throughout U.S. Help Night Flying

= Lighted portions Dec. 31, 1927
- Non - lighted portions Dec. 31, 1927
=== Non- main routes, unlighted 

(1) E.W. Cleveland; (2) P
(7) Randolph Page; (8) Lo
Wm. A. Mara. Mrs. Edwa
(12) E.A.Goff, leonard Fl
Pilots and th

Transcription Notes:
no idea how to notate upside down text