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[left clippping]

Coledo News-Bee

Airplanes are the business, hobby, and playthings of this little family. Mrs. Hattie Myers Junkin, 4123 Packard road, shown above with her two children, has been appointed to an executive position with the Szekely Aircraft Co., of Holland, Mich., and named a member "The Early Birds," an honorary aviation society. Buck Weaver, II, 10, right, has the hobby of building model airplanes and intends to be an aviator. Buck has many hours of passenger air travel to his credit. While little Janet Junkin, 2, left, has often forsaken her dolls to play with her toy airplanes.
Widow of Two Fliers Named Plane Company Director
Mrs. Hattie Junkin of Toledo Chosen Advertising and Sales 

[top right clipping]

Aviation Club Told of Naval Tests
Charles M. Mohrhardt, technologist at the Toledo Public library, and Mrs. E. J. Junkin addressed the Toledo Aviation club Friday night in the Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Mohrhardt told of the navy's experiments to make planes noiseless. Exhaust passes through the propeller shaft and is forced through a hollow propeller made of vanadium steel.
Mrs. Junkin, at whose home, 4123 Packard street, next Friday's meeting will be held, told of her experiments in aviation. She is a director of the Advance Aircraft Co., Troy, Ohio.
Lieutenant Frank Hoffman discussed meteorology and the influence of weather conditions on flying.

[middle right clipping]

Waco Stockholder Flies to Cleveland
Mrs. Hattie Meyers Junkin, a stockholder of the Advance Aircraft Co. of Troy, O., manufacturers of Waco planes, flew to Cleveland Wednesday from Toledo, in the plane of Parker Cramer, who expects to depart soon for an air trip around the world.
While here, Mrs. Junkin, who is accompanied by her son, George Weaver, will visit at the homes of Mrs. Gerald Herbert Brown, 1082 Maple Cliff Ave., Lakewood, and Mrs. Charles Kitchell, 2940 Washington blvd., Cleveland Heights.
Mrs. Junkin now lives in Toledo

[botton right clipping]

He Attends All Meets
Tom Colby, manager, aviation division, Berry Brothers, Inc., who returned yesterday from the Michigan State air tour. Colby, nationally known in the aircraft industry, seldom overlooks attending a major aviation event.

[bottom upside down clipping] Sale Household Goods.
ANTIQUES, rugs, piano, Victrola, walnut dining room set, 8 pieces; sun room and chamber furniture; one Simmons bed, gase range, ice-box, lawn mower; reasonable, 1157 Yellowstone Rd.
APEX $38 Maytag $79 [[cut off]]
$45, Eden $49, ONE [[cut off]]
$1.60 a week, Wen [[cut off]]
46th-Euclid Market. [[cut off]]
ALL TO BE S [[cut off]]
Living, dining, bed, ro [[cut off]]
radio, rugs, drapes; [[cut off]]
YEllowstone 1671.
AUCTION OF HOUSE [[cut off]]

2063 E. 4th St., 202 Frederick Bldg.
East Side of Street, MAin 6255.
406 United Bank Bldg.
W. 25th-Lorain Ave.   ATlantic [[cut off]]
ON AUTO [[cut off]]