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The Drake
Lake Shore Drive & Upper Michigan Ave.
Miss. Fontella Bailey
Webster Hotel
Tues-July 2, 1929
from Bob Gasl precious
& Berlin Feig Up

Plane Will Chart R

July 2, 1929
Lipsner located 
carried by Park
ru Berlin flig

Cap't. B.B. Lipsner
4724 Beacon St., 
Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

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's Chi
(NEWS photo)
ttle family when
rday charged her
he asked his aid
and Helen, 10
BY selecting a super-parent on a scientific basis 
both the wealthy divorced father and mother
Richard Stamm, 7, Supreme Court Justice Isid
vogel yesterday established a precedent for s
bringing up children in discordant domestic sit
Dr. Israel L. Feinberg of 900 Park ave., an expert on child guidance, was the person named to s u p e r v i s e Alfred's upbringing, after the justice had wearied of the bickerings between Mrs. Lillian B. Stamm of 451 West End ave., and her former husband, Alfred L., Stamm, a merchant, over custody of their infant son.
Daddy for a Year.
It will be Dr. Feinberg's job for one year to direct the education of Alfred Richard. He will select the child's governess and nurse. He will rotate his diet, direct his morals, oversee his manners, choose his toys and games and select his clothing. 
In short, Dr. Feinberg will stand above the divorced Stamms and be responsible only to the court as little Alfred Richard's guide, counseller and parent. 
Moreover, as a further safeguard to the child's "emotional stability and character,"  Justice Wasservogel instructed the presence with respect to their differences. 
It was a highly scientific proceeding. Justice Wasservogel acted upon a report from Phillip J. Dunn, a reference appointed last
August, to inquire into the disputes of the Stamms. Dunn held twenty-three hearings, exained thirty-eight witnesses and took 3,000 pages of testimony.
Now With Mother.
Referee Dunn's report said there was a "need for many years of"

It is understood Parlo was the protector and friends of several persons in the underworld, and it is rumored those who suffered by his death have started an active campaign to avenge his killing.
Seek Eye Witnesses
The officers are still seeking one of the supposed proprietors of the inn, who has been reported to be "in hiding" in Canada. The police also are still seeking additional eye-witnesses in an endeavor to clear some of the conflicting stories that they have unearthed regarding the details of the slaying.
Charles "Chuck" Poulin, who was said to have been wounded in the fun-play at the inn, and Harry Ross, and intimate of Poulin's, who are being held at the Safety building on suspicion, were questioned by police Wednesday in regard to the inn shooting.
Fords Will Attend Air-Rail Inauguration
COLUMBUS, O., July 3.-(