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Chicago Sunday Tribune
NOW-in a familiar food...the health value
of hours in the summer sun

For centuries persons with sick bodies have bathed themselves in sunlight to be cured.

But millions today must spend the sunny hours in cave-like offices or factories, in sunless schools,shops,homes--victims of a sunless age. They are literally "sunlight starved".

An astonishing discovery promises to end all this! A brilliant scientist has made it possible to capture the health energy of the sun in a simple, inexpensive food.

Fleischmann's fresh Yeast is this food. It is the easy, natural way to banish constipation-to renew appetite and digestion--to clear up long-standing skin complaints.

But now the health value of this famous food has been enormously increased! The new Fleischmann's Yeast, "irradiated" by a unique patented process, brings you the mysterious "sunshine" vitamin "D". It is the richest food source by far of this vitamin. Our laboratories estimate that three cakes are equal to the ultra-violet effect of a whole day in the summer sun!
Most people, especially those of growing age(under 25), need 

[[image 2 in center]]
Hiding from the sun is office, factory, school, home, a "sun-starved" race is growing up--soft-boned, weak-muscled, teeth a prey to decay...Read how you can [?] your sunshine now in famous food.

the "sunshine" vitamin now in Fleischmann's Yeast. Without it, your system cannot absorb enough lime and phosphorus-elements essential to bones, teeth, and muscles. With it, bones and teeth grow straight and strong. Your body is harder, tougher.

The expectant or nursing mother needs it to help combat the drain on her body's lime and phosphorus supply. It fortifies the unborn or nursing child against rickets (soft bones and teeth).

And now, eat Fleischmann's Yeast for the energizing, bone-hardening "sunshine" vitamin. Eat three cakes every day, before or between meals, plain or in water, cold or as hot as you can easily drink. At grocers, restaurants and soda fountains, in the familiar foil packages with the yellow label. It is as effective as ever for baking.
. . . 
A new radio hour! Fleischmann's Yeast-for-Health Hour is packed with musical surprises. Dance orchestras, crooners, the latest Broadway hits. Tune in Thursday evenings with the National Broadcasting Co. and associated stations-47 stations coast to coast network.

[5 images across the bottom]
DR. LORENZO [?], famous Italian physician writes "Untold health benefits are made available by the 'sunshine' vitamin D-now is irradiated fresh yeast. It [?] strong bones, [?] [?], [?] muscles."
DR. JOSE SANCHEZ-COVINA, best known Spanish Dermatologist ways. "fresh yeast can be successfully employed to combat many skin diseases. Exposed to ultra-violet rays, fresh yeast teaches a maximum therapeutic [?]."

DR. CARL NEUBERG, a leading German physician states, "The vitally important pro-vitamins, [?], which becomes a true vitamin spot [?], a found [?] abundantly, in [?] [?] elsewhere"
DR. MAURICE DELORT, a great [?] Castry-[?] says "[?] is fresh yeast is converted by irradiation into vitamin D which brings about the deposit of [?] in the bones."

             contains the "Sunshine" Vitamin

Transcription Notes:
[?] unrecognizeable word Caption for image 2 right underneath [[image 2]]