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September 8, 1929         5

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PICTORIAL CHICAGOLAND reaches one of its many climaxes when the beautiful Buckingham fountain goes into action and an airplane flies over Grant Park to catch the full effects of the display.
(Photography copyright by Chicago Aerial Survey Co.)
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The first gridiron picture of the season introduces first year men out for the first day of practice at the navel academy at Annapolis.  Two hundred and forty men answered first call - two hundred and forty!
(Photograph from Associated Press)
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BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THEY'RE WEST POINTERS - The secret ambition of the cadet, we suspect, is to strip off his trim uniform and let it lie wherever it happens to light.  If so, it's an ambition he has a chance to gratify in summer camp, where you encounter him in negligee.
(Photograph from Associated Press)
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REMEMBER THE MERRY WIDOW?  A few days ago her creator, Fran Lehar, celebrated at his Vienna home the thirty-fifth anniversary of the opening of his first operetta.  The composer is in his fifty-ninth year.
(Photograph from [[?]])
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MRS. CALVIN COOLIDGE lent a hand to the conservation movement when she planted a tree at Hancock, N.H.  The former first lady was guest of honor at a sesquicentennial celebration.  (Photograph from Pacific and Atlantic)
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NOT A CHINAMAN'S CHANCE of getting through traffic alive these parlous days, be it Chicago or Hangchow corner.  The lettering beneath the skull, we are told, reads "Look out for automobiles."    (Photograph from Pacific and Atlantic)
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A GREYHOUND OF THE DEEP, the cruiser Houston, will thrust its nose into water this week at Newport News, Va, in the high ceremonial of launching.  The newest addition to Uncle Sam's navy displaces 13,000 tons and is designed fro a speed of 35 knots.  This photograph is of another vessel, retouched to convey an exact visualization of the Houston at sea.
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MAKING THE WILD DEER WILDER - These shy spectators looked on which all but human curiosity, ready to take the heel if the thing started at them, when an airplane on the rim of the Grand Canyon.  The plane was a sightseeing ship operated over the canyon from "the nation's highest airport."
(Photograph from Pacific and Atlantic)
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MADRID'S CROWN OF BEAUTY, a diamond-set treasure of purest gold, rests by right of contest on the head of SeƱorita Candelas Altes.  The crown, lent for the coronation to the promotors of the contest, belongs to a relative of the Spanish king.      (Photograph from Associated Press)
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