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Chicago Sunday Tribune

THE PERENNIAL Mlle. Mistinguette, she of "the world's most beautiful legs," does a turn of motorcycling at Deauville, France. How old is Mistinguette? Hmm-how old is Ann?
(Photograph from International.)

FOURTEEN THOUSAND FEET IN THE AIR, and more, an airplane cruises above the clouds at the loftiest level of snowclad Mount Rainier. The ship, an 18-passenger transport, has a maximum altitude of 17,000 feet, approximately 2,500 feet higher than the Washington peak.
(Photograph from Pacific and Atlantic.)

HOW TO CURE A SCOLD-The time-tried virtues of the ducking stool had picturesque revival during an "olde world fayre" at Fordwicham, England. Here's at least one instance in which the duckee enjoyed herself.
(Photograph from Pacific and Atlantic.)

SHERLOCK HOLMES HOMELESS-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the celebrated detective, salvaging effects in the wake of the fire that partly destroyed his home near Southampton, England. Sir Arthur, his wife, two sons, a daughter, and 100 villagers worked for two hours to move the author's library out of the burning house.
(Photograph from International.)

IMMERSION added sixty-five converts to the Baptist faith in this outdoor ceremony at Clanton, Ala. Three churches were represented in the service.
(Photograph from Pacific and Atlantic.)

HOME WORK OF A CAVALRY OFFICER, this novelty in armored cars was turned out by Col. Bruce Palmer, second in command at the cavalry school at Fort Riley, Kansas. Built on an ordinary commercial chassis, the vehicle has a speed of 45 miles an hour and is equipped with emergency solid tires available for use when the pneumatics are punctured.


The Enna Jettick Pledge
Enna Jettick Shoes for women, and Junior Enna Jetticks for the Modern Miss, are made in an extreme range of sizes and widths, enabling Enna Jettick dealers to fit perfectly and stylishly any normal foot, no matter how wide, how narrow, how small, or how large, and at an extremely moderate cost.


Look Lovely Tonight

New Skin Beauty in Five Minutes - It's as Simple as Washing Your Face

Sallow, Dingy Skin made Lovely - Coarse Pores become Fine - It corrects oily skin, heals eruptions and dissolves blackheads

This east, quick way to new skin beauty is called the most amazing beauty miracle of modern science. Women are astonished! You will not believe it until your see other women suddenly get lovely complexions.
   Think of it! You can have a clean, lovely skin tonight. Any woman over twenty-five looks at least five years younger in five minutes! Dull, off-color skin is changed to bright, true-color; enlarged pores are refined to the smoothest, finest texture; oily skin is corrected; blackheads are dissolved; persistent skin eruptions are banished and the tell-tale signs of age vanish as if by magic! Poor complexions become lovely as if skin faults were wiped away with a sponger. You will marvel at the lovely face you see in your mirror tonight.

Instant Skin Beauty

It's no fairy wand that gives a new skin so quickly. It's simply due to the amazing, rejuvenating properties of cremed milk of magnesia, which rehabilitates the skin in the same easy way that plain milk of magnesia purifies the stomach. This is because skin impurities are acid. Doctors treat acid inside the body with milk of magnesia. And, now, dermatologists are getting amazing results in banishing complexion faults with cremed magnesis. All you do is anoint your skin with it, massage and rinse with water. It's as simple as washing your face!

Accidental Discovery

Until recently, cremed magnesia was the secret formula of a very successful New York skin specialist. He prescribed it as a sure, quick remedy to heal unsightly skin eruptions. But, women soon discovered it also refines enlarged pores, changes sallow, off-color skin to true-color clearness and makes the face look years younger. They also found it removes make-up and extracts impurities deep-set in the pores better than any soap or cleansing cream. Scientific tests proved these women had found a quick, easy way to new skin beauty. So, thanks to this accidental discovery, science now offers you a 

Cremed magnesia beautifies the skin in the same easy way that milk of magnesia purifies the stomach

priceless skin beautifier, better for your complexion than anything ever before discovered. It takes the place of soap, cleansing cream, massage cream, astringent, skin tonic and rejuvenator. It gives the skin a radiant clearness and fades out freckles better than a bushel of lemons.

Doctors Recommend It

It is so mild that doctors tell mothers to use it instead of soap to bathe infants. It certainly is a blessing to fine, sensitive skins that soap so easily irritates and coarsens. Being greaseless, it cannot fatten the face or grow hair.
   Thousands of doctors now insist that their wives, patients and nurses use nothing but cremed magnesia on their faces. They say it keeps fine skin fine and makes poor skin lovely. It is pure enough to drink.

Don't Hesitate

Do not hesitate to use this marvelous skin treatment at once. Thousands of delighted women have written they could not at first believe anything so simple could be so wonderful. But, they were convinced when they saw so many friends suddenly get lovely complexions. Because it gives such amazing results so quickly, even the largest druggists find it hard to keep enough in stock to supply the tremendous demand.
   To get genuine cremed magnesia, ask for Denton's Facial Magnesia. Remember, five minutes works wonders. So, get your magnesia today and look lovely tonight. It costs almost nothing to try.

It's impossible for Denton's Facial Magnesia not to improve your complexion. But, should it fail to delight you, even after the very first application, your dealer is requested to refund your money at once without question.

For dark, long LASHES instantly
It is with great pleasure
Irene Rich