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Thursday, July 31, 1924
Saturday Special 
See us for Riverside Salted Nuts

Best Butter, lb......................13¢
Legume, [[?].........................25¢
Choice Pot Roast Beef, lb............20¢
Toilet Paper, 2,000 sheets, 6 for..$1.00
Monarch Baked Beans, 6 for...........60¢
Savoy Sardines, 3 cans for...........60¢
Can Lobster, 3 cans for..............95¢
Strawberry and Cherry Preserves,
2 bottles for......................$1.15
Oranges, 2 doz., for ..............$1.00

Moran and Potter the M and P store
A Busy Store on a Busy Street
New Live Wires - 1020-1021-1022
8-10 Calendar Avenue


WANTED—Electric wiring; have plugs installed; fixtures furnished. Repairs on irons, vacuum cleaners, fixtures, door bells, etc. Lamps remodelled. Prompt service. Phone 377-M.

WANTED TO BUY—An inexpensive [[?]] farm house in LaGrange or LaGrange Park. Can pay cash for a house with fair selling price. Address 1-1 [[?]] Citizen.

WANTED—An elderly woman to take care of home for board and salary. Phone 1137. Address [[?]] North Waiola

WANTED-Girl or middle aged lady for housework; one who knows how and is willing to work. Go home nights. Call LaGrange [[2167?]]-E.

For Sale

Have $1,700 [[?]], [[?]]% fixed mortgages, 
*$150 discount.
5-R brick cottage $7,200
6-R brick house [[$8,300?]]
Modern 5-R frame cottage, [[3,000?]]
6-R [[?]] house [[$3,000?]]
6-R bungalow, 170 x [[200?]] ft., $2,000
And many others, [[$3,000 to $30,000?]]
What have you to sell or trade?
Address: The City and Country Exchange. [[?]] North Madison avenue, LaGrange, IL Phone [[?]]

FOR SALE - Choice lot of Western [[?]] 
Cutting Wall Paper 
Lightning Plays Pranks at [[Ashevald?]] Home And Tragedy is Narrowly Averted
From [[?]] [[?]]
The lightning came out of the heavens Sunday morning, struck the house of George [[Ashevald?]] of Congress Park, and played some merry pranks. The 
fact that Mr. and Mrs. [[Ashevald?]] had remained up a little [[?]] than [[?]] probably saved their lives as the bolt [[?]] the [[?]] by traveling along their [[?]] bed and by burning the rug under the bed. Mrs. [[Ashevald?]] [[?]] be the reason at the time and suffered a shock and fright but was not severely injured.
The lightning struck the chimney, tearing off a large piece of roofing. It followed a rafter to the east end of the house and splintered this [[?]]. It traveled down the wall, burning [[?]] wide and burning the [[?]], taking out some of base board. Here the bolt seemed to divide and like an [[?]] [[?]] in two, both ends [[?]]. The [[?]] part entered the living room before [[?]] the wall, and the bolt [[?]] around the baseboard. The [[Ashevald's]] are busy [[?]] [[?]] interested in the strange visit of the dangerous guest from the sky.

Cutting Wall Paper
One of the most tedious tasks to wallpapering a room is to [[?]] the selvage [[?]]. If you hold the paper at the [[illegible]].   
[[/column 2]]

[[column 3]]
Bird's Eye View of Village
What LaGrange Looks Like From Above, And How  an Initiatory Flight Feels

By H. J. [[?]]
A click of a camera lense would promise sufficient data for an [[?]] and graphic account of what La Grange and the surrounding country looks like from an airplane sailing 1000 feet over the territory. No number of clicks of the lense, however, would be [[?]] to record the findings and sometimes accompanying a first flight in a plane, and a first view of [[?]] [[?]] an altitude of several thousand feet.
Not having the eye of a camera not the amazing recording ability of a photographic film, I will not be able to tell just how LaGrange appears from the heavens, but I will try to tell about the experience and sensations which passed in rapid succession through my mind from the time the earth started to move away until [["?"]] [[?]] guided the plane sagely back to the landing field on the Plainfield road a short distance west of Brainard avenue. 
No Queer Sensations
To begin with, I had anticipated all sorts of Queer sensations, everything from [[?]], and to air-sickness, to the sinking feeling of a dropping elevation. It is disappointing to relate the truth, but I passed through the twenty-one [[?]], and without experiencing any dizzy feeling or queer sensations in the regard of the stomach.
When [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] his offer to take me for a ride in his [[?]] motor 
airplane I was surprised with what I later [[?]] in Quick was his [[?]] speed. Though thousands of people have safely taken airplane trips, [[?]] still is a question in the minds of many of us experiencing the reliability of the [[structure?]]; the [[?]] of the wings, and the general workability of the whole affair, I thought of all those things, but decided that I would not back down. It was too good an oppurtunity to pass up.
With the perfect evening for a setting, and an almost cloudless sky as a pathway, we took off from the flying [[field?]], on the Plainfield road. As the [[?]] dropped away the [[?]] was [[?]] and [[?]] and [[?]] the whole surface of the earth, as far as the eye can see on a [[?]] evening, was open for suggestions. 

Many Try Aviation

You Don't Need to Go Out of Town - 
to find a builder who will Build and Finance if you have your lot paid for.
Call or phone for appointment to see the fine homes I built which in quality and appearance are far superior to homes built by others.
Go and see the owners who are living in them.
Do you know that when you are building your house how important it is to have local plumbers, plasterers, etc. to do your work?
I employ local sub-contractors who are taking pride in their work.
Phone LaGrange 457-1301
12 South Ashland Ave., LaGrange, Illinois.

For your Ice
Call Crystal Ice Company 
Phone LaGrange 648
J. Gauger and A. Kinast
205 Sawyer Ave.       3        LaGrange, Ill.
. . . Phone 648 . . .

We Build And Finance
On Your Lot.  

Free plans. 
Convenient monthly terms. 
No additional cash required on choice lots. 
Our years of experience as builders and a highly trained highly trained organization enables us to build better homes for less money. 


T.A. Holm & Co. 
Builders Attention:
A few lots in LaGrangerwood - low price - small cash payment. Will take Second Mortgage and give Deed.
Nearly Sold Out:
Let us sell your home. We have more buyers for homes in LaGrange than "HOMES FOR SALE."
Cut this out - write name and address and mail to this office - our representative will call and list your property.
Name ____________
H.W. Elmore & Company
W.A. Litzenberg, Manager
N.W. Corner Hillgrove and Brainerd Aves.
----- Phone 1781 -----
to find a builder who will Build and Finance if you have your lot paid for. 
Call or phone for appointment to see the fine homes I built which in quality and appearances are far superior to homes built by others.
Go and see the owners who are living in them.
Do you know that when you are building your house how important it is to have local plumbers, plasterers, etc.. to do your work?
I employ local subcontractors who are taking pride in their work.

Phone LaGrange 457-1301
12 South Ashland Ave., LaGrange, Illinois

[[Last Column]]
Sheriff Finds Cave Used to Hide Women During Raids; Green Corners Nailed Shut
(from Suburban Magnet)
Justice Tavern of 7300 Archer avenue, twin resort with Green Corners, ended its career this week when Sheriff Peter Hoffman and a group of deputies visited the place and boarded it up. Green Corners,  which has been closed for some time, was also boarded up by the sheriff and his men.
The closing of the Justice Park Resort brought about the disclosure of why the sheriff and his men were never able to gather evidence against the resort in the many raids which they made on the place.
Find Underground Cave
Every time they visited the place and cottages on the grounds they found nothing which they could use as evidence against the resort. However, the sheriff was able  to show Judge Ira D. Ryner that the resort had a disreputable reputation, and he secured a writ from the judge giving him permission to nail the place up tight.
When the sheriff's men closed the joint they stumbled on a hidden entrance to a cave, large enough to house a score or more of women. Prints of heels of women's shoes marked the soft clay floor of the cave and were mute testimony of the purpose of the subterranean room.  

Tammany's History
The social Society of St. Tammany
was organized in [[1790?]] as a patriotic and social organization, but as early as 1798 it identified itself with the Democratic-Republicans as opposed to the Federalists and took an active part in the political campaign of 1800. 

Distinct Advantage
There is advantage in being obscure. Nobody [[?]] about to see what you are doing - Detroit Free Press.

For your Ice
Call Crystal Ice Company
Phone LaGrange 648
305 Sawyer Ave. 2  LaGrange, Ill.
...Phone 648...

[[/last column]]

Transcription Notes:
[[image: Drawing of a building in an Ad for Moran and Potter - The M and P Store.]] *Please finish "FOR SALE" AND "FOR RENT" section.