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[[Left Coloumn]]
3 Bargains

$16,000 Attractive new gray shingle colonial six room house with sleeping porch, large living room with fireplace; attractive dining room; cupboard kitchen and pantry; extra lavatory downstairs. Tile bath. Fine south side location

$17,000 Fine new Kellastone 7 room house in best south side location. Beautifully wooded  lot. 50x135. Large living room; large sussy dining room. Kitchen with breakfast nook and seats, cupboards and cooling cabinet. Lavatory on first floor. Hot water heating plant; large Wayne softener; tile bath; large front porch.

$17,500 Excellent new half Colonial house large living room; cabinet kitchen; nice sunny dining room; lavatory front porch; tile bath second floor; lot 53x136; large Wayne softener; hot water heat; fine south side location.

Established 1873
8 No. Fifth Ave.
Real Estate    Loans     Insurance

[[Middle Column]]

Miller's Bargains
[[image of a house]]
Here's A Buy
A splendid 8 room residence, located on one of the finest 75 foot lots in south La Grange.
Spacious living room, trimmed in genuine walnut. Natural fireplace, library, 4 fine bedrooms, combination hot water and furnace hear. Garage, mature trees and shrubbery.
Reasonable terms.
Price $16,500

Six busy offices in 
La Grange  Flinsdale  Western Springs
Riverside  Brookfield  Downers Grove

Office 712 Hillgrove Aver
Phone LaGrange 2206.
Residence Phone 478.
J.A. THORSEN. Resident Agent

[[Right Column]]

[[Cartoon of a house with "R.A. NORDIN REAL ESTATE" on it]]
Price $8,000
7 room frame house; good south side location; 50 foot east frontage lot; house in good condition; 3 bedrooms upstairs; 1 room downstairs can be used as bedroom; oak floors throughout

Phone LaGrange 777   6 Burlington Ave.

[[Middle of the page is classified ads going across all columns left to right]]

RATES-7% [[?]] for five lines [[?]]; 10 cents for each additional lines. 25 cents [[?]] if paid before paper goes to press. Rate for advertisements is with the local news. 10 cents a line; black face type, 20 cents a line. Card of [[?]] $1.00. "Blind" [[?]] where [[?]] are sent is care of [[?]] office, 25 cents additional.


WANTED TO BUY- Your [[rags?]], newspapers, magazines, and buying batteries from automobiles and any kind of old metal. I am paying the highest price of all. Be sure to sell to Grank Kiserman. Phone LaGrange 1721-Y-2.  [[?]]

WANTED- Landscape, gardening, trimming trees and bushes. Joe Azzarelle. Phone 1564.  [[?]]

WANTED- Carpenter work and [[?]]. Phone LaGrange 2705-W, 8-7

WANTED- Experienced gardener and landscape caretaker, expert on lawns, flowers, vegetables, fruit and greenhouse, [[?]] to [[?]] with private family. State salary and full details in first letter. Address I+P care [[?]].

WANTED TO BUY- House. Small payment down and [[?]]. Address P. O. Box 124 Western Springs.

WANTED TO RENT- By August 13, small [[?]] [[?]] by [[[[?]]]]

WANTED- Room without board in private family near Fifth avenue [[?]] by refined gentlemen, permanently employed. References furnished. Phone Berwyn[?] 642-R[?].

WANTED- Waitress at 18 Calendar avenue.

WANTED TO RENT- Small house or apartment. Only two in family. Must be reasonable rent. Phone Western Springs 2124 W[?].

WANTED TO RENT- By September 1, three or four unfurnished rooms. References submitted. Write 1-M care Citizen Office. tf

WANTED- Situation. Trained nurse will accept medical or surgical [[?]]. References furnished. [[?]]. Phone [[?]], 1611. tf


FOR QUICK SALE- Baby buggy and high chair. 185[?] Seventh. Phone [[?]]M.

FOR SALE- Is [[?]]. 2 new 5 room bungalows 1 and 1 1/2 blocks from depot on 65 foot [[lote?]]. Built in bookcases; buffet and kitchen cabinet. Beautifully arranged. Oak floors, tile bath large attic and sleeping porch, decorated to suit. Immediate [[?]] Price $7,200 [[?]]

FOR SALE- 50,000 Farrow Chis to sell quick at [[levent?]] prices in 100 [[late?]]. 

FOR SALE- 6 [[room?]] home, stacco, oak floors, Perfect furniture, [[satomatic piece?]] five large rooms, sleeping porch, choice 50 foot [[let?]]. A real bargin. Address S.W care of Cities [[tf?]]